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Playing Minecraft again

Posted by MC10, 03 January 2015 · 1073 views

minecraft new beginning nostalgia
So I decided to get back into Minecraft. I haven't played since high school. The nostalgia is real...I remember hosting a server and playing with my friends (not legit version though :p).

I still don't have the legit version yet but hopefully I will soon. I'm currently just playing to get a feel for it again and make my video for the contest entry :). If I don't win, I might as well buy it though haha.

Experimented with some shaders today but my laptop is weak. I can't wait to get back to campus and try it on my desktop.



I look forward to seeing what you come up with for your entry mate :)

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It's so fun! I can't wait to go back and see if I still have the old world saves for my server. I had this awesome underground lair with glowstones and lava. It was so pretty but a pain to set up haha.

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It's so fun! I can't wait to go back and see if I still have the old world saves for my server. I had this awesome underground lair with glowstones and lava. It was so pretty but a pain to set up haha.


Oh heck yeah, it's a pain to get some things made if not in Creative, but at the same time, the challenge can be so rewarding! :D I've got a mob grinder I built in the desert area my main home is located on the Neocodex server...and that thing was an absolute bitch-and-a-half to build, but you know what? Having been able to get it done and see it work, I feel like I can do almost anything that I set my mind to there now. ;)

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So I tried to make a server for my friends just now only to find that there was some drama with CraftBukkit :(. It was so useful for managing stuff. Currently checking out this Spigot thing to see if I can get it to work.

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