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Braces at 21? Is this a Bog problem?

Posted by Boggart, 27 November 2012 · 2061 views

i need a pun
Hey no one.

So after dating my ex, I have become more shallow. Awesome! Also, my mom has been telling me for years that I should get braces. I was reluctant at first, but now I'm wondering if I should. Here's a picture of my face and teeth (warning, I'm drunk and ugly. But I'm always ugly)


So a few things:
1) Maybe you can see, my teeth are pretty straight. The only problem are the 6 (3 on each side) on my top set of teeth. They're not that bad since I don't normally smile with that much gum, but yeah. They aren't perfect
2) I hate my canines. They're sharp as fuck on both top and bottom. Should I get them sawed down?

My question is this: I have $5000 in coverage for insurance and thus I would only pay about $1000 from my own pocket (more like $500 because my parents said they'd pay half). Is it worth spending that much money for 6 teeth that aren't even that bad?
Another question: I'm 21, and is that weird for a 21 year old to have braces? Or would you not care? How can I give blowjobs if I have braces?! AHHHHHH

Any suggestions would help .I don't have to decide anytime soon. My wisdom teeth are coming in so I have to get those removed before I can even get a consultation from an orthodontist. Just thought I"d ask opinions. Are straight teeth that important? Are relatively straight teeth without braces better? It just shows I have good genetics *whistles*


Blowjobs with braces are not really that difficult. The dick doesn't really go where the braces are anyway. Just don't pretend to be brushing your teeth with it and you should be fine. I mean I can think of one way that it might affect it but that really comes down to technique, and I would violate the sexual clause of the blog rules if I went into more detail than that :p

I personally like a little crook to teeth. Perfectly straight teeth are boring. Like that chick you're standing with there? Her teeth are boring.

I don't think you're too old to have braces. I love braces. I love people in braces. I think braces are hella cute. I just also appreciate teeth that aren't perfect too.

This isn't making much sense, is it?
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Do itt. I'm 22 and I'm getting braces too. We can be bracefaces together.
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Haha thanks Nymh xD It for sure made sense.

Yes! Brace buddies. Another friend of mine is just starting to get braces. But she's 18 so *shrug*

Maybe i better start eating popsicles and seeing if my braces scrape on them.
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I'm glad I had braces (and at a young enough age not to have dealt with any embarrassment), but I'm not sure if I'd go through with it again at my age.

I'm happy with the way my teeth look, even though my bottom teeth have shifted slightly over the years despite having a fixed retainer, which are often permanent. That means I still have difficulty eating certain hard or chewy foods, and flossing is a huge pain in the ass.

My experience with orthodontics has been a fairly unpleasant one. Braces can be painful; you'll probably have to get them tightened monthly and possibly have to deal with annoying rubber bands and wires poking you. I also had to have my overbite corrected, which required the use of a bite plate and actually affected my speech.

Of course that doesn't mean you'll have to deal with any of what I went through. I know there are now several types of braces available, but if I were you, I probably wouldn't bother at this point.
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Should I maybe upload a picture of just my teeth?
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Honestly I don't see what's wrong with them. If they are too perfect it looks awkward. For me have teeth in the bottom that are crooked and my dentist told me I shouldn't get braces even though I wanted them. Mine is like 4 teeth though. I say ask you dentist about it first then if it REALLY like deadly bother you, you could buffer your canines.
I knew one girl with large canines and they looked fine on her.
p.s. Your teeth are jealously white T^T
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Do it. Think of the results. Perfect teeth are...perfect.
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I'm getting mixed reviews!

maybe i can just get like... 6 teeth braces *whistle*

I realise that's not how braces work.
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I'm paying around £2500 for my braces and I'm also 21. Can't wait!!!!
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I heard ceramic braces are less visible, but a bit more expensive. i'm 19 and i'm getting those next year
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I guess I'll get a consultation first. If it takes more than a year I'm fuckin' not doin' it.
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Perfect teeth =/= a good smile. If your teeth are a minor issue to you, no need to change them! Braces are a major pain, especially if you have an overbite (I did, doesn't look like you do, though) and then you can't close your mouth properly. Also, giving BJs with braces sounds like a bad idea to me. ^^; I don't want to be graphic or anything either but braces are sharp. Wires and crap everywhere.

Also, my brother used to have really sharp canines, but when he got his braces off they filed them down. He was really upset about that, LOL. He thought they looked cool, but personal preference, I guess.
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It really depends how much they put in your mouth, but typically (contrary to popular belief) you can still give a perfectly good BJ with a set of train tracks.

Your teeth aren't that bad; I'd imagine you would be a possible candidate for invisilign or the like. Only thing is you have to really want straight teeth because with clear retainers you have the option to take them out and moving teeth feel terrible, so you may very well be tempted.
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Don't do it.
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I think your shark gnashers are fucking awesome. You should only change things about yourself if it's causing physical discomfort. Like, I'd be okay with you getting that breast reduction you've always dreamed of, but braces for a smile that instantly fills my black heart with pure joy? Don't do it!

There is a 50+ year old woman at work with Invisalign. Looks gross. Imagine eating Cheetos with braces on. Imagine eating anything with caramel. Fuck that shit.

Never forget, Enrique Iglesias had his mole removed and now no one knows who he is anymore. It's like he lost all his sexy when the mole vanished. That mole was his entire identity. He is nothing without it.
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Haha I love the answers xD And I'm honestly not worried abotu BJ's and braces. It's not like I have anyone to give them to :p

I never thought my teeth were bad, most my friends didn't even notice they were crooked and I assumed I had braces. But iunno, my mom is so mean :(
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Since you care enough about it to ask for opinions... I think you should just do it, because if you don't, it'll be one of those things that always nags at you. Some people don't care at all about crooked teeth (I'm one of them), but for others, anything less than a perfectly straight smile is a complete turn-off. In America, it seems to be correlated with hygiene for a lot of folks. In their head: Straight, white teeth = clean, while crooked teeth = poor dental hygiene.
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Since you care enough about it to ask for opinions... I think you should just do it, because if you don't, it'll be one of those things that always nags at you. Some people don't care at all about crooked teeth (I'm one of them), but for others, anything less than a perfectly straight smile is a complete turn-off. In America, it seems to be correlated with hygiene for a lot of folks. In their head: Straight, white teeth = clean, while crooked teeth = poor dental hygiene.

Doesn't matter, he's Canadian. And a Mennonite, no less.
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Doesn't matter, he's Canadian. And a Mennonite, no less.

honourary mennonite*
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you look like a vampire. (In a good way) keep the teeth the way they are! But if you do get them, yeah, braces are the new black. My husband got them and he looks HAWT with em
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