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I got my kitty!.

Posted by Mishelle, 18 June 2013 · 693 views

So yeah I finally got my kitty, I named her Eevee and I love her sooo much.

My aunt drove down for Fathers Day so I decided to ride back down to San Diego to pick her up and bring her back home with me finally. I met up with my friend Donna at PetSmart and took her in with me and got her all kinds of toys, collars, and some food and litter. When I took her to my cousins house I introduced her to Spyder. She hissed at him and he ran behind my cousin's legs. He's such a pussy.

I love her because she's so affectionate and she loves to be cuddled. But don't get it twisted, she's a fucking handful. She's constantly wandering into the most dusty depths of the house and coming back to me covered in dust and cobwebs. She climbs all over EVERYTHING including me (the TC peeps can attest to that). She keeps stealing my chapstick and climbing all over my laptop. She likes to attack gifs and people on cam on my computer screen. She's not particularly fond of Futurama she attacks him the most. And she's constantly hissing at my dog Pikachu. He's old as hell, partially blind, partially deaf and he has arthritis. He doesn't want shit to do with her, but every time he tries to come in my room and chill out she hisses and growls at him. It's so adorable. I love my bb girl so much.

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Look at that pussy.

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Wah ;A; so cute. And Eevee <3

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Awwww what a cutie patootie

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awww so cute! :D

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If you just made a blog full of cat pictures I think you would have the most successful blog on Codex. :p

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