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Parents man....

Posted by Mishelle, 27 July 2013 · 1337 views

I need to hurry up and get back to San Diego because I can't deal here. They're raising my blood pressure too high. Yes, this will be a rant so if you're not into bitching and complaining you can leave after these cat pictures.

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Ok now that I got that epic cuteness out of the way... I'm so tired of having the same exact conversations with my mom and her boyfriend every single time I come to visit them. Then they have the nerve to complain that I rarely come visit them. That's because you grill me with the same shit! First they grill me with the:

1. "When are you going to get married? Do you ever plan on having kids? I want grandchildren!"

Dude, I'm 22. Slow your crazy ass roll. Why would I be thinking about marriage and kids when I don't even have a decent job yet? I'm not even done with school! Every time they ask me this I explain to them that after I get my BA I want to go for a Masters, then I want to start a career in my degree field. After that, then maybe I'll start thinking about that kind of stuff, but for right now, none of that is on my radar. If you're going to grill me like this every time I come to visit you I'm not going to want to come. It's literally EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. WITHOUT FAIL. We had this same conversation last month, we had it two times this week. I'm sick of it.
And then it gets racial which really grinds my gears.

2. "Will you ever date a Black guy? Do you like Black guys? I don't think I'll accept who you end up with if he's not Black. I want Black grandchildren. You like a lot of White stuff, do you only like White guys?"

Umm okay Adolf, thanks for the heads up. I've only seriously dated 2 guys in my life. One was White. One was White and Filipino. So because I've dated two non-Black guys I'm never going to date a Black guy. What kind of fucked logic? I tell them every single time we have this conversation "I like all kinds of men as long as they have a job" and I haven't changed my answer yet. As long as they're nice, independent, cute, and they love Beyonce I will date them. I'm not going to only date one race of person because that's what YOU want. If you don't accept the person that I end up falling in love with and marrying that's your own fucking problem. And it's just hilarious to me that they think this way because I'm sure if someone else's parents said that kind of shit to their son about me they'd be pissed off. My mom told me "oh well that's how other races talk to their kids too!" No it isn't. My ex's mom LOVES me. She still texts me and messages me on Facebook. She still invites me over to dinners. She even said I could live with her if I didn't find a place in the Fall. His dad is back in Mississippi still uploading pictures of us together on Facebook over a year after we broke up. My ex's parents love me so don't try to project your shit onto them that they don't like me because I'm not the same race as them.

It just boggles my brains that they're trying to tell me how to run my dating life and they've had nothing but shitty relationships. My dad didn't do shit for me growing up, and he still doesn't do shit for me. I have to take care of him sometimes. My brother's dad doesn't do shit for him, he doesn't even talk to him or any of his 4 other kids by 4 other women. My mom's boyfriend's kids don't talk to him unless they wants money, and the same with his wife. She hates his guts and only calls him for money. So you're telling me what kind of person I should date when you can't even get your shit together?

And what the fuck with the "you like White people stuff." Yes I like rock music, Laguna Beach and Starbucks. I also like fried chicken, twerking and hair weaves. I like a lot of different stuff, maybe you'd know that if you took the time to talk to me instead of at me.

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3. "Do you have any friends? Why are you on the computer all the time? Why don't you talk to your friends on the phone? Do you hang out with friends when you're in San Diego"

You stalk my Facebook like I have the map to Narnia hidden somewhere in my status updates. You know I have friends, stop asking stupid questions. I'm on the computer all the time because I need a distraction from your annoying fuckshit that I have to deal with every day. It's 2013 who still talks on the phone?

4. "Why don't you cook? You never cook when you're over here."

Because you never have any food! How am I going to cook what's not there?!

5. "Do you know how to drive yet? Why don't you have your license? When are you getting a car? I want you to be able to drive me here"

Yes I know how to drive. No I don't have my license. Getting a car with what money? You don't have any, I'm constantly paying for your shit. In the last 2 months I've put almost $500 on my credit card because of them being broke. They've for the most part paid me back. Her bf still owes me $60 and she owes me $50 and they just want me to pull a car out of my weave. It's not going to happen. And if you think I'm going to come up here and be your chauffeur you've got another thing coming.

6. "If we gave you another sister or brother would you come help?"

Nope you'll never see me again. Take care of the ones you've got.

7. "Why has it been so long since you've had a boyfriend?"

Because I have high standards, you should try it.

8."Are you gay?"

For the 10,005th time I AM NOT GAY. I ACTUALLY LOVE PENIS. If I were gay I'd be the butchiest butch in the world just to stop you from asking that stupid fucking question. I don't know what it is about me that just screams lesbian to them but it's annoying.

9. "We want you to move in with us, why don't you want to move back home?"

Because you irritate my life.

10. "Why don't you want to talk to us? You're so quiet all the time."

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I want to turn them in and get new parents. I want a nice quiet Asian family. I'm done with this shit.

I hope my parents aren't like that when I leave home (for college and life).

Um..just leave? If you're at their house, can't you just leave? (unless you got there by plane and your leaving date is set by your ticket).


When they lived, there wasn't a recession and jobs were there. Now we have too much debt (student and other) and no one wants to hire, and if they do the wage isn't that good. 


(I think. If that's all wrong, ignore it).

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Girl ... sorry to burst your bubble but my folks are like that too. Especially with the racial stuff
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I live in San Diego to go to college. I came back here for the summer but I'm not staying with them I'm staying at my grandma's house (she's the only sane person in my family) I just came to my mom's to visit because I wanted to get my hair done and she offered to do it. I only planned on being here over the weekend but my mom is purposely taking long on my hair to keep me here longer.

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That made me wanna call my mommy and tell her how much I love her. Shes made the best of whatever situation I threw at her, knowing I'm my own person and that everything won't work out the way she wants :p Eventhough I must say everything in the end did sorta work out the way a parent would want... I guess.. Havent heard much complaints yet atleast. xD

God I cant imagine having a parent like that... They feel incredibly immature and sorta unreasonable to me. (No offense?)

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Lol you said "penis"


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No offense taken they are definitely immature and unreasonable thats why I don't even try I just sit silently on this couch.

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reach mtl i gotchu

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That made me chuckle.  I think rants can be pretty funny, especially when it is about how stupid parents can be, and that I would just start laughing at my parents if they asked me things like that.

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