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First week of work and I'm already losing it.

Posted by Mishelle, 22 August 2013 · 777 views

So it's the first week of work and we're supposed to be having all these wonderful new things! We have an assistant boss named Madison. He's a guy. His name bothers him. We have a new Jamba Juice that I'll be working at on Fridays, that is if it ever opens. We were supposed to get the Jamba Juice like a year ago but first we couldn't because we couldn't get the plans approved. Then we got the plans approved and we had to get the construction approved. Then when the construction got approved but then they realized they had to re-do the plans because of something stupid. Then they re-did the plans and had to get it approved again. Then they got it approved and had to do construction. Then the construction ran behind. It's still not fully done but it's done enough for us to be able to make and serve drinks. Then we still couldn't open because they had to test the water. Then they find out the health code isn't up to standard and they have to remove the student union floor and replace the floor with tile which is FUCKING STUPID because the student union floor is nonslip. Why the fuck would you deem it against health code to get rid of a non-slip floor in favor of TILE? Idk. Anyway, we don't have a Jamba Juice, it's clearly not open. There's even a sign on the Jamba Juice location that says "The Jamba Juice is closed pending updates to bring us up to health code. We will be open as soon as possible."

"Where's the Jamba Juice?"
"I heard you got a Jamba Juice here?"
"Why is the Jamba Juice closed?"
"When are you going to open the Jamba Juice?"
"Can I get Jamba Juice here?"

All day every day. SERIOUSLY? FUCK YOU GUYS.

We also have a shit ton of new people. I believe this semester we have around 75 employees and at least half of them are new. Most of these new people only got one day of training tops. Most people just have to learn the job on the job because you can't really train people for what's to come. Add/Drop period is the busiest time for us out of the entire semester and with all these new employees, of course they're going to make mistakes. What bugs me is when customers let these people make mistakes and then walk all the way TO ME to complain. I'm sorry but my patience is completely gone with them at this point. We have a never ending line of people. Even though all the other areas of the cafe got new people we only got 2 new people and we're still understaffed because Madison fucked up the schedules. We're supposed to have all 4 registers filled all day during Add/Drop and thus far we've been dealing with only 3 registers and sometimes only 2 so don't come to me with bullshit.

"Hey I asked for no pickles on this subway sandwich and she gave me pickles I don't want it."
"You should've told her that when you were watching her make your sandwich, you can throw it away or go get a new one but you'll have to get back in line."

"Why is the philly cheesesteak on this new bread? I'm never buying one of these again!"

"Why does the grill take so long to cook food?"
"Because the food has to be thoroughly cooked to be served, and they're just slow in general."

"Why is it so expensive here?! We're students! We should get discounts for being students!"
"On a campus?"

And it's such bullshit that they say that. Everything is not expensive, in fact we have more deals than we've had since I started working there. It's just the shit that they want is expensive. You can get a five dollar footlong FOR FIVE DOLLARS. You can get a turkey burger, fries and a drink. FOR FIVE DOLLARS. We have the Subway lunch deal where you can get a 6 inch in a drink for between $4 and $6. You can get a slice of our specialty pizza, a side salad, and a drink, FOR FIVE DOLLARS. You can get a slice of cheese and a drink for THREE DOLLARS. You can get two slices of cheese and a drink for FIVE DOLLARS. These are FULL MEALS. Just because you wanted some fancy shit that costs $12 isn't my goddamn problem.

So yeah about our new cashiers. One chick Edith is cool. She picks things up fast, she comes to work and she's nice. And then there's Martha. Martha barely speaks any fucking English and understands even less. We have another cashier Trinh, she can't speak English either. But she can understand it perfectly and we're on the same wavelength when it comes to pointing. But Martha, I'd have a better shot teaching Eevee how to cashier this chick is so slow. I had to keep leaving my register to show her how to do the same thing over and over again. I had to keep fixing her mistakes and when she didn't understand what I was saying I had to go tell Barbara so she can go tell Martha in Spanish. I understand that English is a very hard language to learn but god damn it did they have to give her the one job that requires the most fucking English? It's just counterproductive because with us leaving our registers constantly we can't keep the line going at a steady pace. And Martha wasn't trained at all. All of the cashiers got a training session on Thursday except for her. So it's her first day cashiering, the busiest time of the semester and she doesn't know any fucking English.

We're also in the middle of a heatwave so we're constantly running out of drinks and ice. It's the utility guy's job to stock these things when we're busy. It's especially imperative to have one now because we have an insane amount of customers so we don't get enough down time to do other things besides cashier. Do they fix this problem? No. They tell our fully available utility guy "oh we only need you in the mornings" and then schedule him to leave right before the lunch rush which is the busiest time of the day during the busiest time of the semester. It's like they want me to take my braids and hang myself. There's no other excuse for this. We have to constantly leave our registers to try to stock drinks leaving us even more shorthanded. I go to the back and I found out we do have a utility guy on the clock, praise Beyonce. Usually we have two but for some reason we only have one. But I'm happy to see him so I deal. I'm like "Arulio I need you're help, we're super understaffed at the cash registers, we need more ice, we need someone to stock the drinks." He tells me "I can't right now because they're making me take all this stuff to the snack shack. I already tried to stock drinks before and there wasn't anything back there." I go back there and he's right. We're almost out of everything. No Dr. Pepper. No Sprite. We barely have anything except water and diet shit that no one likes. The packs of soda syrup are also gone and I have to put "out of order" signs on like 5 of the fountains which I get 395309364 complaints about. I go back into the kitchen and just scream "WE'RE UNDERSTAFFED, WE'RE OVERCROWDED, AND WE'RE UNDER STOCKED. WHO'S RUNNING THIS PLACE?!" The head kitchen lady goes "Not me." then goes back to what she's doing. Madison is back there making pizzas and he just looks at me. I'll admit I said that a little bit louder than I originally intended to, but I don't care, ain't nobody gonna check me.

We're supposed to get one lunch and 2 breaks but because we've been so overcrowded the cashiers have been getting only 1 break if they can fit it in. Sometimes we go without no breaks. Which is totally against the law and fucking ridiculous. It just pisses me off that my boss and her assistant have been doing this shit for 10 years and they manage to fuck it up every single time. Madison gets a pass because he's new, and he's a cool guy. But these bitches I just don't understand at all why they thought staffing this way was a good idea. Now my other boss Kathy is super pissy and is talking about finding another job. I hope she does quit and I hope my cousin gets her job since she's the one who usually ends up doing it anyway.

I love you.
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I love you too ♥

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Mishelle for president

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Mishelle, I feel your pain. I get to run the line and everything else too.


I'd vote Mishelle.

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Mishelle for overlord of world.

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