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A healthy lifestyle: Boginning

Posted by Boggart, 09 November 2012 · 1997 views

Mm hi.

So as most of you know by now, my ex and I are in fact that, ex's. I'm basically over my depression phase so I need to start making some lifestyle changes and I want to try and be healthy. For a few reasons:

1) I need to win the break-up and be hotter
2) I need to be hot to find new ppl
3) In my musical theatre class, there might be a shirtless scene for me and a few others (in February).

Present: 5'7.5 and 155 pounds. Or ~173cm and ~70.5 kg. ~15% body fat. Nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing to brag about. Except the fatness

So here's my plan:
Diet: Phase 1

1) No fried foods
2) No red meat
3) No pop

If I can do this for a month straight:

Diet: Phase 2
1) No butter/cream
2) No cheese
3) No potatoes (QQ)

Diet Phase 3: (I honestly doubt I can ever get this far)
1) No Dairy
2) No carbs past 5 PM
3) No sauces/dressings on food

As for exercise:
Alternating 3 sets of 8 total body exercises M,W,F
Swimming/Cardio (probably swimming since it's indoors and it's -50C in Manitoba outside) T,R,S with Sunday rest.

Yeah, that's my plan. I'm starting this... Nov 20th or so. It'll be 1 month of being single, and I think it's a good place to start.

Wish me luck!

If you have any suggestions or tips, feel free to comment down below. :)

Why not start tomorrow? That's what I always tell myself every time I try and quit smoking.
I'll do it tomorrow.


Best of luck.
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I think instead of deluding myself by saying "start tomorrow" and have a set date in mind, then I'll be more likely to accomplish it

But that's just in my head haha
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It's not healthy to just "quit dairy" because it has important stuff your body needs, and quitting it would mean you have a LOT of products you can't have. You need a replacement, like soy (yuck!) or just take less and better dairy. Like (oh god how is this in Amerika...) really skinny milk? none of the nice and good stuff. I'm in the Netherlands, we have "Magere yoghurt" which is like yoghurt with 0.5% fat. mixed with some fresh food/fiber it's a fantastic breakfast with zip calories!

I think you're doing a great thing trying to be more healthy. The first month will totally suck, we all know that, but after that month your skin will look better, you'll feel better and you'll even smell better ;)

Good luck!
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Don't give up red meat or you will grow vag
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lmfao, Bog you're awesome. Winning the break up, eh? :b

It's cool that you're making lifestyle changes. As Daring said, giving up dairy isn't exactly the healthiest thing to do, you still need all of the fatty goodness that dairy has to offer.

As for your exercise routine, you might not want to do it like that. You need more than one day of rest or your body is going to destroy itself, especially if you aren't eating the proteins that you need to help build muscle and cut fat.
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Well thanks for the tips people!

The thing is, I'm lactose intolerant so dairy generally makes me feel extremely bloated and unwell. So cutting dairy is generally more so for that sake. If there's a minor amount in like bread or something, that's okay. Just no adding cream or milk to my coffee or cereal kinda deal. Or passing on the heaping shredded cheese on my salad *whistle*

As for the exercise, I used to work out 6 days a week and since swimming is more cardio I thought it would be fine to alternate cardio and weights :o
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Rofl.. I went through the same thing this summer. I was all -isdepressed-
Then I was all, must go on a diet/gym/put more effort into myself
And then I never so I really hope you do! Maybe you'll inspire people to lead a healthier lifestyle. Goodluck :)
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amphetamines always work for not eating.
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Maybe I'll consume nothing but fluids
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Consuming nothing but fluids will make you pass... nothing but fluids ;)
Try finding healthier replacements for stuff you really like.

If you've had a fantastic day (good results, great day at work, you slept with your ex' best friend just because) you can have a cheaty like a brown cracker with some peanut butter. Have one, enjoy it, then move on back to your normal diet. It's to keep the spirits up :)
And if you've had an "off-day" on your diet (plunderd the cupboards) don't freak out and give up. Balance by doing extra good the rest of the week.

I wish you all the best and keep us updated! If you want, you can always PM me :)
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haha thanks guys xD

I've been able to eat well; I lost 50 pounds when I was 17-18 because... I needed to. It's more like getting back into it for my own sake :p But thanks guys :D I hope maybe i will have a nice "after" photo to show. The before photo is nothing special
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I live my life roughly in phase 1. To be honest, I don't think I could give up cheese for more than an hour.
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Why do white people like cheese that much?
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Because it's soul-crushingly delicious?
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it's just cheese. I'd prefer rice.
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Well of course you don't like cheese if you never had Dutch cheese :p
To be fair; I'm not fond of it either.

If you want to give yourself a real scare calorie wise: check out the calories in a scoop of Ben & Jerry's
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Luckily I don't eat Ben and Jerry's because it's too expensive. But sometimes I have Hagen Das ehrmehgerd
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this should be taken down, i take this offensive to the majority of people in america and all of africa.
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this should be taken down, i take this offensive to the majority of people in america and all of africa.

And, exactly whát do you find offensive about a post about getting a healthier life style, that applies to the majority of people in America and all of Africa?
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And, exactly whát do you find offensive about a post about getting a healthier life style, that applies to the majority of people in America and all of Africa?

The fact that he's a troll. Welcome back Derriere
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