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There have been 56 items by Trane (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#56118 !ALERT ALERT!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:31 PM in Neopet General Chat

Donna is probably an admin. *sighs* wheres my keylogger. :p

#56685 ..::IMPORTANT::..

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:23 AM in General Chat

I think I'm missing something here. What is all that?

#56729 Administrator and SuperModerator Appreciation Day

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 06:22 AM in General Chat

Great idea. I wish I was a Super Mod instead of a lousy Moderator... :dontgetit:

I wish I was just a mod lol.

#55531 BIG list of proxies

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 05:10 AM in Member Tutorials

Here is a long list of about 50 working proxies that I have checked. They are all working...I will continue to update this list every other day...also, use the tutorials to see how to add a proxy to your computer...

Internet explorer:
Click: Tools | Internet Options | Connections | LAN Settings | Advanced
Type in HTTP: one line in the list below, IE will handle the rest...
Click: OK | OK | Apply | OK

you will now be using a proxy in Internet explorer

Click: Tools | Options | General | Connection Settings... | Manual Proxy Configuration
Type in HTTP: one line in the list below, firefox will handle the rest...
Click: OK | OK

you will now be using a proxy in Firefox

Proxy List:

w00t thxs, but every proxy I use is slow lol. thank god for my comcast high speed. anyways this helped me tons on muhahaha mischifish reasons. FOX4paintball.com I'm BAAAAAaACK

#58179 Check this out!

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:42 PM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

Thats exactly what I was about to say lol.

#56124 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:33 PM in Neopet General Chat

Of course it's a scam. Geez, some people tsk tsk :p

Actually, Many people still have that "one" program that actually made neopoints. It is illegal and was counter-attacked but I have heard that many people altered the source code. But I bet its all bs.

#56101 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:17 PM in Neopet General Chat

what an idiot o.O scammers g to far and then they are not really good scams -.- *FROWNS* but I think its classic when you see posted on the boards (not this one) "Click here for 1,000,000,000 np" lol then when you look its linked to a form site lol

I love those scams. I love to read em on the boards lol on neopets. They make me pee my pants. Just e-mail me your username and password lol. They should come up with something like a new ADDON to neopets. Neopets Haunted House. NVM this may give you some ideas. :p

#56093 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:02 PM in Neopet General Chat

He wont get arrested if it clearly states what he is selling. I dont understand that either "The ti'me it took to earn these neopoints". And for that other thing, I think your buying a e-mail account not an account on neopets.

#56223 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:20 PM in Neopet General Chat

How could you sell ti'me and work?

#56681 final fantasy

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:21 AM in General Chat

There are to many final fantasies. Why cant they just make one BIG final fantasy. Muhahaha 2 terabytes big lol.

#56776 Funny

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 07:25 AM in Neopet General Chat

Yeah those guys get pretty bored and make a lot of inside jokes all the ti'me.  :o   That sure was one big blob of jelly passing by.  :D

lol thats funky

#55481 im new, i signed up yesterday

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:21 AM in Introductions

Welcome to neocodex and enjoy your stay. ;)

#56679 Im srry

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:20 AM in General Chat

I accept your apology even since you didnt offend me anyway except you kinda scared me.

#57103 Learn how to hack

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 01:50 PM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

Have you ever wanted to hack? Did you ever dream of being a hacking master? If so, this post is for you! I will give you links which can make you a hack-master.

Lets start off with some history:
explains the beggining of hacking, how it started, and how it got its name.

http://www.x-village.../footbags1.html - The most I'mportant utility used to hack, also known as a "footbag". You will definately need to order this in order to succeed, as you cannot hack without it.

After buying the above mentioned "footbag", get a group of friends interested and "keep on hacking :D ". Eventually you might get good enought to get into the hacky-sack championships:


If you are really serious about going in, you will need to know the rules and point system, it can all be found at


the official hacky-sack site.

I hope you like my post about hacky-sack, and I hope you become a great hacker!

#56730 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 06:23 AM in Neopet General Chat

neopets has one except that is stinks badly. there yearly advent calender joke is not very funny with the pants devil and it really nothing special at all either

Gri'm how can you have 2 rep points,219 posts and be a super mod lol.

#56095 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:08 PM in Neopet General Chat

I personally absolutely HATE neopets. :p   I hate them because they banned all my accounts and put different reasons for each account. That is bull. They remove me from all the highscores that I get into and did not cheat. I have a terrible record on neopets and have gotten extremely lucky that I haven't gotten into any legal trouble. :sweatdrop: I hang out on these forums to learn how to program so I can make my own programs. I am a better hacker then programmer. I now know the website to get into the neopets database and trust me. I will get in. I will get into that database and I will unfreeze every frikin acount there is. Then I will IP ban everyone who is afiliated with neopets (Mods). Dont you worry. No one said a 12 year old cant hack. I am good with keyloggers and brute forcing. Anyone that wants to support me please do. I need a decent brute forcer. If anyhere has a virus that can crash a internet server and a proxy (that is fast) I can use. I also need a IP masker. (I'm not that stupid). If anyone here wants to help me out on this project please PM me. I will need help. If this is done neocodex will be famous. This is best if I am not caught. I have been banned from 451 game websites and counting. Due to me always using the local libraries computer I haven't been caught doing mischiev. I have been cd-key banned from 31 games and am not even allowed to access websites afiliated with the site I was banned from. You have a wanted man on your website. ;)   So please  :)

#56109 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:25 PM in Neopet General Chat

I dont want to destroy neopets lol. I was just getting little exaggeration there. Lol forget that. I just want to make programs that will make the neopets admins all pissed off then they sue me and I say back they caused me emotional distress when they iced my account for just pressing a refresh button all the ti'me. Ill talk to judge joe brown. judgood jobe jody dont like me cause I said crap in court.

#56703 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:38 AM in Neopet General Chat

Well I keep my promises. I already learning python lol. I know how to make it say 2+2=17 and I am right and your wrong.

#56115 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:30 PM in Neopet General Chat

olexsey, One day you will try to log on with your frozen account. And it will be unfrozen. If that ever happens. Just gi'mme a rep point  :p

#56128 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in Neopet General Chat

I don't really play neoquest but buy the new one

I dont really play neopets.

#56691 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:29 AM in Neopet General Chat

I understand this... it's quite hard to keep liking it for a long ti'me... :o

Nah I dont play it because I dont like it ever since I got banned. Now my Goal in life is to shutdown neopets. Which they will probably do themselves in 2 years or unless someone else bruteforces that webpage.

#56699 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:35 AM in Neopet General Chat

Whatever. I always been evil and apperantly lost the part of my brain that makes me have empathy and sympathy in a bike accident. So now I dont give a crap what happens lol.

#58162 New sig and avatar

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:23 PM in Graphics Requests

I need a better sig and av...the ones that I have are kinda lame...  :p   if someone could make me a better set, that would be great. thanks.

Ill try a lil sumthing. I aint making avi, But sig I can try.

Alright I Uploaded the sig. Dont blame me I kinda suck at this lol I did my best.
I used ol' Snoopy instead of linkin park. I can use a picture of linkin park if u want which ill put more ti'me into lol. if u want that is...I can TRY to make a avi to. lol I did my best so shutup. below is my artwork  :D

Attached Images

  • picturething.jpg

#56689 Share a Screenname?

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:26 AM in Neopet General Chat

Ok lets share accounts. Someone has to team us up. And we need some way to communicate together.

#58173 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:39 PM in Graphics Requests

ill make a av now k

okay kool by the way what font did u use?