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There have been 56 items by Trane (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#58162 New sig and avatar

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:23 PM in Graphics Requests

I need a better sig and av...the ones that I have are kinda lame...  :p   if someone could make me a better set, that would be great. thanks.

Ill try a lil sumthing. I aint making avi, But sig I can try.

Alright I Uploaded the sig. Dont blame me I kinda suck at this lol I did my best.
I used ol' Snoopy instead of linkin park. I can use a picture of linkin park if u want which ill put more ti'me into lol. if u want that is...I can TRY to make a avi to. lol I did my best so shutup. below is my artwork  :D

Attached Images

  • picturething.jpg

#56657 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:51 AM in Graphics Requests

Can anyone make me a good sig and avi. I would like it to have a train in it please lol. Anyone?

#58173 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:39 PM in Graphics Requests

ill make a av now k

okay kool by the way what font did u use?

#58170 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in Graphics Requests

heres 1


haha thanks! ur the only person who responded lol.

#58182 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:44 PM in Graphics Requests


#58179 Check this out!

Posted by Trane on 13 July 2004 - 02:42 PM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

Thats exactly what I was about to say lol.

#55527 Speed up your computer (EASY)

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 05:00 AM in Hardware and Software Discussion

Delete please

#56681 final fantasy

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:21 AM in General Chat

There are to many final fantasies. Why cant they just make one BIG final fantasy. Muhahaha 2 terabytes big lol.

#57103 Learn how to hack

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 01:50 PM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

Have you ever wanted to hack? Did you ever dream of being a hacking master? If so, this post is for you! I will give you links which can make you a hack-master.

Lets start off with some history:
explains the beggining of hacking, how it started, and how it got its name.

http://www.x-village.../footbags1.html - The most I'mportant utility used to hack, also known as a "footbag". You will definately need to order this in order to succeed, as you cannot hack without it.

After buying the above mentioned "footbag", get a group of friends interested and "keep on hacking :D ". Eventually you might get good enought to get into the hacky-sack championships:


If you are really serious about going in, you will need to know the rules and point system, it can all be found at


the official hacky-sack site.

I hope you like my post about hacky-sack, and I hope you become a great hacker!

#56128 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in Neopet General Chat

I don't really play neoquest but buy the new one

I dont really play neopets.

#56691 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:29 AM in Neopet General Chat

I understand this... it's quite hard to keep liking it for a long ti'me... :o

Nah I dont play it because I dont like it ever since I got banned. Now my Goal in life is to shutdown neopets. Which they will probably do themselves in 2 years or unless someone else bruteforces that webpage.

#56699 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:35 AM in Neopet General Chat

Whatever. I always been evil and apperantly lost the part of my brain that makes me have empathy and sympathy in a bike accident. So now I dont give a crap what happens lol.

#56776 Funny

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 07:25 AM in Neopet General Chat

Yeah those guys get pretty bored and make a lot of inside jokes all the ti'me.  :o   That sure was one big blob of jelly passing by.  :D

lol thats funky

#56685 ..::IMPORTANT::..

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:23 AM in General Chat

I think I'm missing something here. What is all that?

#56643 Who thinks Jhudora's Cloud...

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:20 AM in Neopet General Chat

I hate jhudoras cloud. I was like at level 20 then she asks for a gold paintbrush.

#56724 Who thinks Jhudora's Cloud...

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 06:18 AM in Neopet General Chat

I can get 700 in 20 seconds.

#56706 Who thinks Jhudora's Cloud...

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:40 AM in Neopet General Chat

There called avatars. Just my .02

#56729 Administrator and SuperModerator Appreciation Day

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 06:22 AM in General Chat

Great idea. I wish I was a Super Mod instead of a lousy Moderator... :dontgetit:

I wish I was just a mod lol.

#55481 im new, i signed up yesterday

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:21 AM in Introductions

Welcome to neocodex and enjoy your stay. ;)

#56679 Im srry

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:20 AM in General Chat

I accept your apology even since you didnt offend me anyway except you kinda scared me.

#56655 X-Factors lend a hand service

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:49 AM in Graphics Requests

Hey can I have a sig that has like a background of a ani'mated train and says my name. looks all cool.

#56093 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:02 PM in Neopet General Chat

He wont get arrested if it clearly states what he is selling. I dont understand that either "The ti'me it took to earn these neopoints". And for that other thing, I think your buying a e-mail account not an account on neopets.

#56101 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:17 PM in Neopet General Chat

what an idiot o.O scammers g to far and then they are not really good scams -.- *FROWNS* but I think its classic when you see posted on the boards (not this one) "Click here for 1,000,000,000 np" lol then when you look its linked to a form site lol

I love those scams. I love to read em on the boards lol on neopets. They make me pee my pants. Just e-mail me your username and password lol. They should come up with something like a new ADDON to neopets. Neopets Haunted House. NVM this may give you some ideas. :p

#56124 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:33 PM in Neopet General Chat

Of course it's a scam. Geez, some people tsk tsk :p

Actually, Many people still have that "one" program that actually made neopoints. It is illegal and was counter-attacked but I have heard that many people altered the source code. But I bet its all bs.

#56223 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:20 PM in Neopet General Chat

How could you sell ti'me and work?