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There have been 56 items by Trane (Search limited from 02-July 23)

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#56672 Why do random events mess me over lol

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:05 AM in Neopet General Chat

Where are the good refreshing sites? I know advant calender is one...

Gi'mme more good refreshing sites also

#56669 Why do random events mess me over lol

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 05:04 AM in Neopet General Chat

Nah, All my siblings start neopets and on there first day they get a pb.

#56662 Speed up your computer easy

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:55 AM in General Chat

Glad it works for you guys. WINK!!!!

#56657 Sig and avi request

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:51 AM in Graphics Requests

Can anyone make me a good sig and avi. I would like it to have a train in it please lol. Anyone?

#56655 X-Factors lend a hand service

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:49 AM in Graphics Requests

Hey can I have a sig that has like a background of a ani'mated train and says my name. looks all cool.

#56654 Why do random events mess me over lol

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:47 AM in Neopet General Chat

Me to  :wallbash:  :wallbash:  :wallbash:

#56643 Who thinks Jhudora's Cloud...

Posted by Trane on 12 July 2004 - 04:20 AM in Neopet General Chat

I hate jhudoras cloud. I was like at level 20 then she asks for a gold paintbrush.

#56223 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:20 PM in Neopet General Chat

How could you sell ti'me and work?

#56212 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:08 PM in Neopet General Chat

Sh4de, and whoever else is helping me, yes I still need a silver pb. I think memikeos might help me out , but he's not on here yet. So I guess the answer is yes. As for you trane. I forgive you, but THINK next ti'me. And MS is correct! ~thanks~FREAKY~

what happened to our deal?

#56210 Why do random events mess me over lol

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 04:05 PM in Neopet General Chat

The best I ever had was to find a codestone, but that was ages ago on a different account. On THIS account, the best I've ever had was... 100NP found on the floor.

*Sigh* I want that old account back (it got frozen, for no reason might I add), because it had a Fire Lupe on it... mind, I've got a Tyrannian Tuskaninny now and it's got better stats and I have more NP so I guess I'll just have to live.  :)

Was that fire lupe really advanced in skills and good in reading?

#56205 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 03:51 PM in Neopet General Chat

Alright I apologize. It was truly a joke, Sorry if you didnt understand it. I got a lotta sugar in my bloodstream. What I meant was that because my account is banned I cant give you the paintbrush even though I have it. THen I clai'med I hated neopets..I dont know if you get it but thats what I meant that if neopets hadnt of banned me for a lie reason then I could of gave it to you. get it?

#56199 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 03:42 PM in Neopet General Chat

that poopoo almost made me pee my pants

#56154 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 03:03 PM in Neopet General Chat

What does pwnz mean? And trane that would be very awsome with any help you can give me with a pb! Thanks! :)

haha my accounts ban so screw neopets. Neopets this is for you. :p   :)   ;)   :p   :fyou:   :fyou:

#56128 Neoquest II

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in Neopet General Chat

I don't really play neoquest but buy the new one

I dont really play neopets.

#56126 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:34 PM in Neopet General Chat

No. :ncodex:  pwnz!

#56124 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:33 PM in Neopet General Chat

Of course it's a scam. Geez, some people tsk tsk :p

Actually, Many people still have that "one" program that actually made neopoints. It is illegal and was counter-attacked but I have heard that many people altered the source code. But I bet its all bs.

#56118 !ALERT ALERT!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:31 PM in Neopet General Chat

Donna is probably an admin. *sighs* wheres my keylogger. :p

#56115 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:30 PM in Neopet General Chat

olexsey, One day you will try to log on with your frozen account. And it will be unfrozen. If that ever happens. Just gi'mme a rep point  :p

#56112 Silver paint brush!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:29 PM in Neopet General Chat

Ill give you one for free lol. I dont need this crap. I officially hate neopets. I'm just gonna screw them over and do whatever I can to cause the admins trouble.

#56109 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:25 PM in Neopet General Chat

I dont want to destroy neopets lol. I was just getting little exaggeration there. Lol forget that. I just want to make programs that will make the neopets admins all pissed off then they sue me and I say back they caused me emotional distress when they iced my account for just pressing a refresh button all the ti'me. Ill talk to judge joe brown. judgood jobe jody dont like me cause I said crap in court.

#56101 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:17 PM in Neopet General Chat

what an idiot o.O scammers g to far and then they are not really good scams -.- *FROWNS* but I think its classic when you see posted on the boards (not this one) "Click here for 1,000,000,000 np" lol then when you look its linked to a form site lol

I love those scams. I love to read em on the boards lol on neopets. They make me pee my pants. Just e-mail me your username and password lol. They should come up with something like a new ADDON to neopets. Neopets Haunted House. NVM this may give you some ideas. :p

#56095 Neopets' bad sense of humour!

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:08 PM in Neopet General Chat

I personally absolutely HATE neopets. :p   I hate them because they banned all my accounts and put different reasons for each account. That is bull. They remove me from all the highscores that I get into and did not cheat. I have a terrible record on neopets and have gotten extremely lucky that I haven't gotten into any legal trouble. :sweatdrop: I hang out on these forums to learn how to program so I can make my own programs. I am a better hacker then programmer. I now know the website to get into the neopets database and trust me. I will get in. I will get into that database and I will unfreeze every frikin acount there is. Then I will IP ban everyone who is afiliated with neopets (Mods). Dont you worry. No one said a 12 year old cant hack. I am good with keyloggers and brute forcing. Anyone that wants to support me please do. I need a decent brute forcer. If anyhere has a virus that can crash a internet server and a proxy (that is fast) I can use. I also need a IP masker. (I'm not that stupid). If anyone here wants to help me out on this project please PM me. I will need help. If this is done neocodex will be famous. This is best if I am not caught. I have been banned from 451 game websites and counting. Due to me always using the local libraries computer I haven't been caught doing mischiev. I have been cd-key banned from 31 games and am not even allowed to access websites afiliated with the site I was banned from. You have a wanted man on your website. ;)   So please  :)

#56093 Ebay- Neopoints

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 02:02 PM in Neopet General Chat

He wont get arrested if it clearly states what he is selling. I dont understand that either "The ti'me it took to earn these neopoints". And for that other thing, I think your buying a e-mail account not an account on neopets.

#55586 Speed up your computer easy

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 06:40 AM in General Chat

Lol I was just joking. But anyways I never knew about virtual memory. I have like 20 5 gigabyte games on my harddrive. 120 gig harddrive :lol:

#55574 Speed up your computer easy

Posted by Trane on 11 July 2004 - 06:21 AM in General Chat

Tis only for windows xp -.- but if you have any other com throw out all the crap your sis and bro made :lol:

Was that an insult?