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tutfisken's Content

There have been 12 items by tutfisken (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#1776386 Coliseum Autoplayer Purchase/Support Thread

Posted by tutfisken on 26 June 2014 - 09:12 AM in Flight Rising

Hi! I just sent 20$ through paypal to you :).

#1763217 Registration Window June 3!

Posted by tutfisken on 03 June 2014 - 08:54 AM in Flight Rising

I've waited so long for this!

#1719683 So. Now that I'm balls-deep in Flight Rising programming... Does anyone h...

Posted by tutfisken on 25 February 2014 - 10:51 AM in General Entertainment

No, I just want to complete all three (that I'm working on) before I unleash them :p Plus I just discovered another bug in one of them that I'm not actively working on! Disaster! Easy fix though, just had to move a canvas wipe to a slightly different location in the logic tree. Whee ^_^

Get dragons, breed dragons, train dragons, play games, earn treasure, collect stuff, get achievements.
Pretty standard formula, in my opinion, but it's brand new - and getting into something at ground level is exciting :D

Woah sounds pretty awesome! Where would one go to join that community the easiest?

#1719559 So. Now that I'm balls-deep in Flight Rising programming... Does anyone h...

Posted by tutfisken on 25 February 2014 - 12:21 AM in General Entertainment

Can anyone explain what the deal is with flight rising? 

#1717647 Skirmish Battles

Posted by tutfisken on 18 February 2014 - 12:42 AM in Tyrannia: Mysterious Dig Site

Huh, I joined the thieves guild

#1717303 Just bought an unpriced item, what now?

Posted by tutfisken on 16 February 2014 - 02:55 AM in Neopet General Chat

Aah thanks so much for the fast response and the guidance guys!

#1717300 Just bought an unpriced item, what now?

Posted by tutfisken on 16 February 2014 - 02:48 AM in Neopet General Chat

Hey all,


As the title suggests I just bought an unpriced item: Removed.

What does this mean for me? It the item worthless, what should I do with it?

#1716827 Pteri - Dargian

Posted by tutfisken on 14 February 2014 - 01:17 AM in Neopet Avatars

Here is one due February 16 (at 12PM NST).



#1716826 Reminer: Get I love sloth avatar today

Posted by tutfisken on 14 February 2014 - 01:15 AM in Neopet Avatars

Well this is awkward. I read 14 january but my brain translated it to 14 february :p.

#1716822 Reminer: Get I love sloth avatar today

Posted by tutfisken on 14 February 2014 - 12:43 AM in Neopet Avatars

Is the avatar still available?

#1716538 10 years of Neocodex

Posted by tutfisken on 13 February 2014 - 04:27 AM in Announcements and Notices

This is quite amazing! Happy Birthday Neocodex!

#1714421 Pteri - Dargian

Posted by tutfisken on 04 February 2014 - 02:04 AM in Neopet Avatars

Thanks profusive I got it too!