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There have been 1 items by myprpltoy (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1247778 [Neopets Programs] Neon AP - Neopets Shop Auto Pricer

Posted by myprpltoy on 14 January 2010 - 08:48 AM in User Submitted Programs

Just wanted to say i absolutely love this program, thank you! I do wish tnt wouldnt do the whole wizard ban but oh well the small things lol.
Also wanted to say, when the auto pricer first starts up, on the bottom where it should say "may" take a while for multi page shops (or something along those lines), it actually says "make" take a while. I know this aint a issue for the tracker or nothing like that, but figured you'd probably wanna know lol. I'm sure someone probably already said something about it on here, but couldnt find it lol.