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Leo's Content

There have been 198 items by Leo (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#295473 What is your real name?

Posted by Leo on 04 June 2005 - 05:46 AM in General Chat


#309653 People's names

Posted by Leo on 16 June 2005 - 09:37 AM in General Chat

Erm, where my name is pronounced as one syllable. Its like -rife but with the -str sound before... Str-ife :blink:

#272804 Default skin

Posted by Leo on 05 May 2005 - 07:43 AM in General Chat

Rooq is more slick and stylish in my opinion, Blueshell is just... well you have to scroll down a lot :p It is nice still.

Is it possible for each user to set their own default skin for the whole website? If you get what I mean...

#272080 Martial Arts

Posted by Leo on 04 May 2005 - 10:16 AM in General Chat

Because he thinks Marshall arts with his mates Dave and Danny are sooo cool when they're not. They're useless on the street.

lol its cool, though it is a bit old.

#272799 Mumei has bought us an IPB license

Posted by Leo on 05 May 2005 - 07:36 AM in Announcements and Notices

Go Mumei ! :D

#292368 Moderator Promotions

Posted by Leo on 31 May 2005 - 10:05 AM in Announcements and Notices

Congratz! :) :thumbsup:

#315175 Video Games Kill Russian Boy

Posted by Leo on 23 June 2005 - 11:31 AM in General Chat

Games are all fun, but I can never play for 12 hours straight... most I ever done was 4 hours but that was at a party with multiplayer :D

Young gamer's mind totally destroyed?! That doesn't sound nice :unsure:

#271454 Somthing that made me a little happy :)

Posted by Leo on 03 May 2005 - 02:13 PM in General Chat

Guns > Marshall arts

Guns < Martial Arts
(In style terms anyway!)

Guns may be better, quicker, but Martial Arts looks prettier and has more style :)

*ends pointless post*

#315176 How did you learn about Codex?

Posted by Leo on 23 June 2005 - 11:33 AM in General Chat

Frizzle got me here :p

#289260 How involved are you in school?

Posted by Leo on 27 May 2005 - 02:16 PM in General Chat

Done nothing for myschool really, just can't be asked. Besides, if you join the schools cricket team and can't make it for a match, you get a detention... we have some really lame PE teachers in our school -_-

Oh and my school's website is here, same school as danupsher and Frizzle :p

#281292 Kylie Minogue has breast cancer

Posted by Leo on 17 May 2005 - 10:35 AM in General Chat

Not as easy as it sounds mate. Go through complicated process and stuff... and takes a long time too, not the operation but preparation and other stuff.

#281288 Kylie Minogue has breast cancer

Posted by Leo on 17 May 2005 - 10:31 AM in General Chat

Better no one to have cancer?

Yes I suppose she has the money, but still not always cureable. And well, sucks to get cancer :(

#311379 new sig

Posted by Leo on 18 June 2005 - 11:38 AM in Arts & Graphics General

unfortyunatly I didnt save a psd so I cant alter it. :(

lol... you should know that you always save the psd file.

Anyway, like how the render is blended with background :thumbsup: Text is alright I suppose, maybe the Zelda bit a tiny tiny bit smaller :p

#310607 Americas view of the world

Posted by Leo on 17 June 2005 - 11:58 AM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

lol and where did u get this from? google? :p

#292381 The progress thread

Posted by Leo on 31 May 2005 - 10:42 AM in Arts & Graphics General

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image


#535488 I Was Killed By...

Posted by Leo on 11 January 2006 - 02:24 PM in Jokes and Fun Stuff

"After killing his family in an insane rage, Herakles (also known as Hercules) received orders from the oracle at Delphi to perform 12 labors to purge his sin. These were assigned by Eurystheus, king of Mycenae.

The first involved killing the monstrous, man-eating lion of Nemaea (Leo, the Lion). He tried to kill it with his special arrows and his club, but both weapons broke into pieces as if they were made of clay. After using the weapons in vain, he strangled the lion with his bare hands, succeeding his first task."

I was killed by Hercules :unsure:

#435684 Upgrade Successful

Posted by Leo on 06 October 2005 - 07:47 AM in Announcements and Notices

Some nice nifty changes, especially when replying :D

#295471 Neocodex :)

Posted by Leo on 04 June 2005 - 05:45 AM in General Chat

Wondered where you went.

Hello again, and welcome back! :)

#295685 this has to be the best I have ever made

Posted by Leo on 04 June 2005 - 11:44 AM in Arts & Graphics General

All colours look great, but I think blue wins... tis my fav colour :D

Text is ok I suppose :thumbsup:

#295476 this has to be the best I have ever made

Posted by Leo on 04 June 2005 - 05:55 AM in Arts & Graphics General

Wow... colour, render all blended in nicely, techy stuff makes it a lot better too :)

Yucky text though :( Just use a simple pixel font if need be.

#280690 Moving servers

Posted by Leo on 16 May 2005 - 08:20 AM in Announcements and Notices

Funny, I never knew about this till Lee told me :p Lets hope new host is better! :thumbsup:

#285977 Your Brother Has Returned

Posted by Leo on 22 May 2005 - 09:54 AM in Introductions

Wondered where you went xiphos, glad you came back mate :)

#304388 Nunchaku!

Posted by Leo on 11 June 2005 - 09:13 AM in General Chat

My freind Dave would love you.

sooo true :lol:

Well my dad can use it pretty good, he hasn't been taught but he can do fancy stuff. My two uncles can do better, they both actually learnt martial arts, both learnt different styles, and they used to spar when younger. Well yeah you could say my uncles and dad can use them :)

Oh and yes I have nunchucks too, spongy soft ones for training and big wooden ones..

#267111 Happy Birthday skittles, dck & vegeto9898

Posted by Leo on 28 April 2005 - 07:36 AM in General Chat

Happy birthday guys, heh 3 birthdays on one day :D Have a great time!

#296904 Collab

Posted by Leo on 05 June 2005 - 09:29 AM in Arts & Graphics General

Great work, except her hands are chopped off at bottom :(