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There have been 8 items by Axe (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#275384 The Truth About Eliteneo

Posted by Axe on 07 May 2005 - 06:57 PM in General Chat

Read this, you will learn more about him http://www.neocodex....showtopic=21256

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I've already known that, I've mentioned the NCD before, and in that post, And I've learned even more from having friends that are programs/members on his site..

#275362 The Truth About Eliteneo

Posted by Axe on 07 May 2005 - 06:50 PM in General Chat

Recently there has been many talk about the eliteneo website, and talk about Kyle. There have been MANY rumors, so I'll post here, the truth, from what I have learned about Kyle and his ways.

Firstly, Kyle is a founder of a very weak, and unstable forum, in which he 'wanted' to make, and be a leader for many people.

The truth is, and I'm sure Kyle, in many alias' has spammed our forum several times, getting banned each time, not learning his lesson yet. Maybe the following post will convince him to think otherwise. Yet, on his forum, he posted publicly IP addresses of users that spammed his forum, stating it was illegal. Illegal enough for you to do it aswell, Kyle?

Kyle, is a 'genious' webmaster, one who would pay people to make programs for him. He did infact, bribe Sockopen, AngelX, Nikalren, and Drew to make programs for his site. Not that good everyone knowing that now, huh buddy?

For Sockopen, he offered him $30, a domain, and dedicated host. For AngelX, Kyle offered him $100 to program from his site for 1 month. For Nikalren, he offered him $50, to recreate the fAbricate autobuyer, and add several EliteNeo logo's, and name the autobuyer, the EliteNeo Autobuyer, in which would get people to go to his site.

What else is there in the History of Kyo, or Kyle. Well, he was a member of the Neopets Cheating Database, or NCD, which was called the 'Gang Of International Idiots', genious Kyle, trying to keylog an admin at neocodex, a very popular neopets programming community, but of course, your not bright enough to get that past, are you Kyle? Keylogging is newbish, therfore, you Kyle, are newbish aswell.

Keylogging people, that's your flow of things isn't it Kyle? I've talked to a few people Kyle bribed to make programs for, and they said that Kyle tried to convince them to add loggers to they're programs, so when members of the forum would use a program, the password would be sent to none other than Kyle himself, sort of scamming, dont we think?

Of course, Kyle enjoy's scamming himself, even though he has access, and bought several programs for his forums, perhaps that's not easy enough? So, he did in fact come to neofreaks forums, and has scammed serveral neofreaks users, all in which he never gave anything back. He's a scammer, he cant be taken seriously.

He tries to act wise doesn't he? He scammed, he was dumb enough to try and keylog an administrator, he bribes programmers to join his forum, he keylogs, what more do you want to learn? Well, there's plenty...

Does Kyle actually pay the programmers that made programs for his forum? We've talked to Nikalren, and it took him around 1 month to get paid the $50 he was promised, and of course, Nikalren had to program first. We have heard, that the other programmers haven't got paid at all. That isn't really fair, is it? Of course not.

Of course, now several people had hated Kyle before then, but of course, now everyone would hate him. And Drew wanted to say that when you had the 500 database error on your board for a full day, that renaming a forum cant cause a database error, and backing up vbulletin only takes one minute.

Have fun Kyle, Kyo, Keylogger, Scammer, and more. You now have a reputation as great as George Bush's.

#180684 Axey's Here

Posted by Axe on 20 January 2005 - 01:28 PM in Introductions

Hey everyone.  I feel quite welcome here, and yeah, I do remember a few of you, xx_WLT_xx, Kiral and wizkid. Maybe a few others also. Glad to feel welcome.  :)

#180372 Whack-a-staff-member

Posted by Axe on 19 January 2005 - 08:11 PM in Neopet General Chat

It's one game where you can show your rage for hating those ****** at Neopets and letting it out without getting sued.  Kind of fun...

#180370 Sorry About Inactivity...

Posted by Axe on 19 January 2005 - 08:09 PM in General Chat

Yeah... we all enjoy screwing up our computers.  I had to reformat my computer so bleh.  :p   Now I know not to play around with the System Registry... it's just soo tempting.

#180366 Axey's Here

Posted by Axe on 19 January 2005 - 08:04 PM in Introductions

w00t. welcome to the board then. We usually say stuff like 'read the rules, and play nice folks. But seeing as you have your own forum... I can see I don't have to give you that speech. :p

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Well, I dont "own" my own forum.  I did, but now I'm just an Admin at 2.  Glad to see I'm welcome. :)

#180360 Happy Birthday Codex

Posted by Axe on 19 January 2005 - 08:00 PM in Announcements and Notices

Well, I'm 1 year late in joining, but atleast it'll be memorable joining on codex's birthday?

And no dck, I'm not sure if the registrations are opened or closed, however I did get my account by contacting SL64 and hi'm pre-registering my account...

#180357 Axey's Here

Posted by Axe on 19 January 2005 - 07:57 PM in Introductions

Hello everyone,
I'm Axe. some of you may know me from another forum(s) that I admin at,  welcome to all the members that I already know, and I'm sure I'll have a nice experience with the other members I have yet to meet.  I have acknowledged all the rules and do agree to them, and I think that's it.  :p