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Partimeneo's Content

There have been 2 items by Partimeneo (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#1501993 New Program Manager + Abrosia Updates + 2 New Programs

Posted by Partimeneo on 21 August 2011 - 11:54 AM in Announcements and Notices

Install the Visual C++ runtime files.

Thanks so much iargue, that made it work :)

#1501965 New Program Manager + Abrosia Updates + 2 New Programs

Posted by Partimeneo on 21 August 2011 - 10:35 AM in Announcements and Notices

Hi , I'm getting a message that the program can't start because its not configured correctly and reinstalling might solve the problem. I've tried reinstalling 5x , no luck. I'm running XP on this computer. Anyone else having this problem? please help