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There have been 3 items by Foodeater00 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1321902 {GUIDE}Neopets Help

Posted by Foodeater00 on 06 August 2010 - 09:50 PM in Neopet Game Guides

This is silly, first off, the Admin is saying not to do anything with YOU, because he suspects (or knows) you're a scammer.

Second, it's amazing that you tried to link a picture from your Hard Drive, what are you? 12?

I am not Scamming i don't even know how to give you 10k WITHOUT trades!
and the thing i attach is a mistake!

This is silly, first off, the Admin is saying not to do anything with YOU, because he suspects (or knows) you're a scammer.

Second, it's amazing that you tried to link a picture from your Hard Drive, what are you? 12?

I am not Scamming i don't even know how to give you 10k WITHOUT trades!
and the thing i attach is a mistake!

And you want me to stop posting this topic and lock it someone supposed to post 3 of 3 except 3 big reasons why! until 5pm

#1321652 {GUIDE}Neopets Help

Posted by Foodeater00 on 06 August 2010 - 05:14 AM in Neopet Game Guides

yeah the admin is right and elindori , pathentic and incantation if you fight ,say words and more i will never give you a help this topic is supposed to give you nps and a random stuff just for worthless stuff and 1 np
and be happy with it.

ok lets talk about the news about this topic
the votes of the poll will say give out 10knp and a main codestone and trade it for any kind of smoothie (even the cheapest will be taken) or worthless stuff
or not to give it! because everyone will be greedy! and besides this only happens depend on event!

and the polls in the neopet central is :Chokatofile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/CRONOC%7E1.FAL/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.png

#1321530 {GUIDE}Neopets Help

Posted by Foodeater00 on 05 August 2010 - 09:28 PM in Neopet Game Guides

Hello people i am Foodeater00 i post this topic to help you on weekends or if i got time
and also an achievement room