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There have been 3 items by slasher618 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#792160 IE7

Posted by slasher618 on 09 December 2006 - 10:40 PM in General Debate

I don't like IE 7. It's the only thing holding back the web because of its poor support in standards such as strict CSS. The rendering still is far off and its support for PNG transparency isn't that great. At least it did improve in some way. Only Opera and Safari hold high regard for web standards. Firefox needs to fix memory leaks for certain types of Athlons, but it's great because of the extensions.

#792154 Check out this crazy shit

Posted by slasher618 on 09 December 2006 - 10:36 PM in General Chat

Wow, he really knows how to draw. He draws the pieces of the car without having to think much before making the others... it usually takes me a ton of time to do something like that in photoshop.

#792136 Massive Headaches

Posted by slasher618 on 09 December 2006 - 10:28 PM in General Chat

I usually get headaches after I run in the morning. It wasn't so bad in the summer, but it sucks in the winter.