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sixties's Content

There have been 2 items by sixties (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#893329 67K Grabber, -Updated Again-

Posted by sixties on 17 June 2007 - 08:55 AM in User Submitted Programs

I reformatted my PC, and when I try to start it I get an error caused by msvbvm60.dll. I have got the vb6 runtime files and such.
Any Solution?

#889732 67K Grabber, -Updated Again-

Posted by sixties on 09 June 2007 - 01:32 AM in User Submitted Programs

Thx Calum! It works like a charm, I ran all 3 programms and i got 34200 biggrin.gif
You made my day biggrin.gif