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There have been 28 items by zandra (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#1684227 Abing in Stamp Shop, Unsafe?

Posted by zandra on 29 July 2013 - 08:00 PM in Neopet General Guides

yes, about the same as magic. 

#1684077 McDonald's Minions

Posted by zandra on 29 July 2013 - 02:17 AM in General Chat

My first reaction over the hello kitty craze was, "so we are into toys now?" people queued for hours in hazardous level smog just for those plushies. It gets stupid

#1683961 Fox news is getting hilarious

Posted by zandra on 28 July 2013 - 08:09 AM in General Chat

Fox news personal attacks interviews Reza Aslan ,a muslim with PHD in religious studies on a book about the life of jesus or some sorts. 



#1682767 How much real money have you made off neopets?

Posted by zandra on 20 July 2013 - 11:58 PM in Neopet General Chat

I've heard someone claim to make 40k a year off of neo... but who knows.


you must be talking about ch33p

#1681397 Discussion for Tyrannia plot- war for the obelisk

Posted by zandra on 12 July 2013 - 05:48 AM in Tyrannia: Mysterious Dig Site

I joined the skirmish for the first time, now I'm thankful I chose Sway. Does which opponent we battle matter, in terms of contributing to the faction? My 'BD' pet is very wimpy >.< 


Zandra, to withdraw from battle go to the 'challenges' tab on the top of the screen and click withdraw. You can heal your pet using potions outside the dome, I just stocked upon Essence of Everlasting Apple.


no more free healing? =/

#1681373 Discussion for Tyrannia plot- war for the obelisk

Posted by zandra on 11 July 2013 - 10:07 PM in Tyrannia: Mysterious Dig Site

is there anyway to withdraw from battle? and to heal your pet? i don't understand this new battledome

#1680899 Trading Post

Posted by zandra on 09 July 2013 - 10:53 PM in Neopet General Chat

I myself am a programmer, I've had my own programs out there and forums and the like.  There is no way that one week of time for an account age is more secure than $5 being spent.  Just saying.


See the above.


The amount the people scam is upwards of $5. The trading post restriction of 1 week and 10 non-spam-able posts creates alot of hassle for scammers, especially when they are posting for the sake of posting. The 1 week also creates a delay before the scammer is able to scam again. Hiding IP? we have Waser, who is pretty good at catching them.


Anyways TBH, people would take precaution when trading with a new account, so think of it as a helping hand.

#1680587 Cheapest Stamp Collection to Complete

Posted by zandra on 08 July 2013 - 07:16 AM in Neopet General Chat

i am pretty sure one of the sellers is a codexian. there are two btw. another MI grarrl is in trades neoboard

#1680539 Cheapest Stamp Collection to Complete

Posted by zandra on 07 July 2013 - 10:50 PM in Neopet General Chat

Stamps you should have before attempting to complete the sets

MI= Chef, Kiko, grarrl

VP= Commander garoo

TY= Wock Til You Drop Stamp

HW= Scary Tree

LD= Coltzan stamp


BD would be the easiest, you just need to get the battleslices stamp. next would probably be TM, which is similar to BD but you would have to get hold of candychan, snowbunny and sticky snowflake.

#1679663 Do you support gay marriage??

Posted by zandra on 04 July 2013 - 07:10 AM in General Debate

I've never really understood why it's important for people to have a different word for what is essentially the same thing. Does it really make a difference if the word 'marriage' is used? Definitions aren't set in stone after all and they adapt over time.


yeah, but changing this would change the age old meaning of marriage. I dont like the idea of changing that.

#1679656 Do you support gay marriage??

Posted by zandra on 04 July 2013 - 06:21 AM in General Debate

I am okay with gay marriages, however I am not okay with the term marriage to be used. Another word should be used/created, unless they identify themselves as the opposite sex.


Definition of marriage "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognised by law".

#1676889 Is the world better with or without religion?

Posted by zandra on 24 June 2013 - 09:18 AM in General Debate

Most religion have a karma system, this gives "good" people reason to believe that the world isn't such a sadistic place after all, that those that sin would get punished, whether or not they will be able to see with their own eyes. In some sense, hope.


Religion gives people a guideline to the basic principals. Things that are generally accepted as good and bad.


Religion gives people a sense of purpose. Without religion, you probably wont believe in afterlife, (I said probably). It creates the idea that you wont just disappear when you die, or when your relatives or love ones die. Yes, you could say that it is lying to ourselves, but it is an avenue and excuse that we could use. it provided me with a lot of relief when my dad pass away. The idea of him being in heaven, or in a better place is better then the sad possibility that he just, vanished.


While I am not a religious person, i believe the world is better with it.

#1676627 Curing cancer with HIV virus

Posted by zandra on 23 June 2013 - 09:00 AM in General Chat

opps didnt see

#1676611 Curing cancer with HIV virus

Posted by zandra on 23 June 2013 - 07:05 AM in General Chat


Amazing video of how doctors use the HIV virus to save a girl.


Seems like scientist are getting the hang over it. Stem cells to cure cancer and HIV previously, and now HIV to cure cancer.

#1675817 Interesting Neopets staff discussion bug

Posted by zandra on 21 June 2013 - 11:42 AM in Neopet General Chat

MDR would sound like MoDeRator to me.

#1674652 Score Sender

Posted by zandra on 18 June 2013 - 07:50 AM in User Submitted Programs

There is a significant delay between sending the last score, and the start of the waiting time.

I am getting 10 seconds delay in addition to the 7 seconds which I set for sosd

#1674288 Greetings fellow Codexians

Posted by zandra on 17 June 2013 - 07:20 AM in Introductions

Hello! singapore here too! hope you enjoy the haze  stay here  ;)

#1672091 Pokemon - The good old days

Posted by zandra on 11 June 2013 - 09:07 AM in General Entertainment

chespin looks pretty cute =D, dont really like the other 2 starters though.


it is quite irritating that they keep releasing new pokemons, i have no idea how many butterfly/moth pokemon there is already. 

#1672036 SS Schedule?

Posted by zandra on 11 June 2013 - 12:57 AM in Neopet General Chat

Er, the guy who made it didn't implement a schedule, no, but I'm sure that if you'll have any kind of internet where-ever you're going (and a smartphone, as most people have nowadays), you can TeamViewer into your computer and tell the SSer what to do whenever you'd like.  :shutup:


It's not really meant to stay on THAT long...  or even a full 24 hour period straight.

it is funny when you refer to him at the guy =P

#1669990 How'd you find out about Neocodex?

Posted by zandra on 04 June 2013 - 06:24 AM in General Chat

was searching for autobuyers, found out about abrosia, googled that. poof i am here =D

#1626069 Dead, and Undiscovered for 3 Years...

Posted by zandra on 09 September 2012 - 05:43 PM in General Chat

even if i am an absolute loner, probably 1-2 months. the humidity, temperature, the fact that we are all squeezed terribly near with each other in singapore makes it quite hard not to notice the smell.

there were plenty of reports of dead people that were undiscovered till a month later, when the stench is absolutely horrible.

#1625051 Staff Revamp

Posted by zandra on 06 September 2012 - 12:40 AM in Announcements and Notices

Congrats sweeney and red =) seems like a good decision, maybe valentine would...

#1625049 How is this hurting neopets?

Posted by zandra on 06 September 2012 - 12:22 AM in Neopet General Chat

This topic, is for amusement only. There is not deep moral question, nor am I preaching.

I have noticed, that a fairly common refrain is made when people are asked why they decide to autobuy or score submit. I'll also throw in that I'm not real sure I understand all little codes and scripts that are used.

The common refrain is that "Neopets unfairly banned me, so now I'm getting my revenge by cheating". Now, certainly I understand revenge, it is hardly a vice that my spirit is free. What I can not understand, is why this is "sticking it to the man".

Here is my impression of the shop autobuyers, a script watches a high profit item, the script fakes a legitimate purchase, the autobuyee(AB) gets an item cheap, which otherwise would have been snatched by a "mundane" player. Dare we call them an honest player, but mundane will work without the emotional bias. So, now the autobuyer(AB), has gained an item, the mundane did not snatch the million dollar item. Now, what has neopets lost in the transaction? Now the mundane player has lost the valuable item, the AB gets the advantage. The AB will make his profit, funds will flow into his account from the mundane player, the mundane player will need to play more games, charge higher prices on his item, what ever it takes to now buy the desired items from the AB. Neopets, sees no difference.

In this case, the mundane player is probably the top few elites in neopets. Would a regular neopet player camp at, say stamp shop for months waiting for a specific item? probably not, i would just buy it at TP.
Why let the top few elite with quick internet get all the items. Aber gives me a better chance in getting the items with my horrible internet.

Its not really getting revenge at neopets, its just getting back what we lost.

Now, on to the score submitter. In this case, a person gets a certain quality of neopoints with little or no effort. It is almost like money is created from nothing. In other terms, inflation, where the money supply increases, the existing money supply is devalued, and in effect all the other mundane players cover the cost of the SS.

Now, I suppose there is a little "sticking it to the man" in the fact that AB and SS cheats allow one to by-pass the advertisements. I'm fuzzy on this detail, as I don't know how neopets is getting paid. Assuming that they're getting paid by add clicks, and not just renewals, than there is certainly a little decrease in revenue.

Now, if we frame the AB and SS in its simplest terms, human greed, they allow a person to gain material advantage with minimal effort. Only a cynical person would think that "sticking to the man" means, by Occam's razor, just a selfish justification for gratification at the expense of the mundane players.

Discuss, delete, ignore.

I dont get that, but its little neopoints, it doesnt really matter, the time spent to create the neopoints is the same as regular players anyways. it shouldn't have an effect to create such inflation.

what i really like, is neopoints generator(no it isnt working now) it screws up neopets credibility as an advertiser.

cheers for the topic

#1625047 IMAGINE: You bought Neopets. What would you destroy first?

Posted by zandra on 06 September 2012 - 12:04 AM in Neopet General Chat

The neopoints and absolutely everything other then the games itself. maybe then, they will start coming out with better games like they did before

#1624448 Exotic Woods

Posted by zandra on 04 September 2012 - 06:56 AM in General Chat

Teak, it has a very nice shine to it, or american cherry, especially those that are red.