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There have been 51 items by Skyscrape (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1497831 How to get treasure keepers site theme

Posted by Skyscrape on 09 August 2011 - 03:06 AM in Neopet General Guides

NP prizes, books, BD stuff


Also, from my own playing...

Lucky Looter (10 Rare Items found): Ferocious Negg Plushie
And a
Mysteriously Overflowing Gift Basketfrom one I can't remember

#1497826 How to get treasure keepers site theme

Posted by Skyscrape on 09 August 2011 - 02:39 AM in Neopet General Guides

I actually quite enjoy this game :o And, the site theme is quite nice :D

#1497156 What video games have you spent the most time playing?

Posted by Skyscrape on 07 August 2011 - 04:00 PM in General Entertainment

P3P is the best game for PSP I have ever played.
FFXII i played for 200+ hours, mostly cause Yiazmat was being a frekaing a-hole
For KH1, the only reason I could see you playing for such a long time would be training and practicing to defeat Sephiroth. Otherwise, playing for that long a time would be pretty pointless.

Awesome! *highfives*
I know, right? A lot of people I know never even heard of the Persona series until I recommended they play P3P, I lent it out to a gazillion people, and every single one of them loved it :o I'm playing through again right now, trying to max out all my social links XD

#1496951 New Plot?

Posted by Skyscrape on 07 August 2011 - 12:01 AM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

I believe it says that I still have one island to recover. I messed up when we were supposed to look for islands on the first map I did. I literally clicked on the first five squares. Posted Image

Both have already been posted.

Ohh *facepalm*

Sorrry, just woke up

#1496948 New Plot?

Posted by Skyscrape on 06 August 2011 - 11:51 PM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

I too, have an extra island on my map, and I've been doing this every day

Also, I have the second map, so I'll update when I finish it!

#1496630 New Plot?

Posted by Skyscrape on 06 August 2011 - 01:23 AM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

I figured it out eventually D: I did the whole logic thing to finish it XD

#1496601 New Plot?

Posted by Skyscrape on 05 August 2011 - 11:19 PM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

Posted Image

Here's my solution for today

#1496150 What video games have you spent the most time playing?

Posted by Skyscrape on 04 August 2011 - 08:13 PM in General Entertainment

Persona 3 Portable, I've probably thrown 200+ hours into this game now. Definitely my favourite game of all I've played.
FFXII had 121 hours racked up before I sold it too. FFX was about in this range too.
FFVIII only has 90 or so hours.
The rest of my games all have about 40-70 hours racked up on them, depending on completion (BbS FM, Dissida 1 +012, War Of The Lions, Let Us Cling Together, Persona 1, Persona 4, Atelier Rorona, Resonance of Fate, FFXIII, FFX-2, FFIX, FFVII, FFIV Complete Collection, FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFV, FFVI KHI, KHII, KH:CoM, 358/2 Days, Re:Coded, Star Ocean: First Departure, Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, LittleBigPlanet(PS3), Eternal Sonata)

Yeah, I play a lot of Square Enix/PSP titles XD I'm not gonna get into the debate about KH's story. I like it, that's my opinion, and you can't really change my mind about that, and I doubt I'll be able to change everyone elses, so yeah XD Certainly not the best story, but I do enjoy it.

#1495785 some people on the neoboards..

Posted by Skyscrape on 03 August 2011 - 10:12 PM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

they better not. that would make draiks worth more than krawks and the PC would have a simultaneous seizure from the shear madness

Now I kinda want them to, if only to see this

#1491491 Any Easy tools to get the Lever of Doom avatar

Posted by Skyscrape on 26 July 2011 - 02:43 AM in Neopet General Chat

Erm... correct me if im wrong.. but for lever of doom, you have to click the pull the lever then click the go back to front page then click the pull the lever thing again..

Its not merely refreshing on one page.. since it involves 2 pages.. or you mean you refresh on the second page(the one after you clicked pull the lever)?

Yeah, you can refresh on the second page. That's how I did it. 100k on hand, refresh like crazy, check for the avatar every 20k

#1491037 The Small Islands ARE Krawk Island

Posted by Skyscrape on 25 July 2011 - 01:23 AM in The Disappearance of Krawk Island

Lol, the reward is you get nice nc prizes that will inflate overtime!

IF you can buy nc XD


I grabbed some NC just for the dress and the hat, got them both, so I'm happy

#1487929 PS3 or Xbox 360?

Posted by Skyscrape on 19 July 2011 - 06:01 PM in General Debate

I have the PS3, because I like RPGs XD Specifically, Square Enix RPGs, and there's this little thing called Versus XIII coming out next year XD

If I was into shooters though, I'd definitely have a X360

#1478397 ZKK's Pet Pricing Guide for Converted Pets!

Posted by Skyscrape on 02 July 2011 - 06:18 PM in Neopet General Guides

You're also missing an MSP Poogle :o They trade for low end UCs, Draiks and Krawks, if this helps your pricing.

#1478157 The Lab Ray Topic

Posted by Skyscrape on 02 July 2011 - 05:34 AM in Neopets Chit-Chat

My pet just got zapped Health +4!

#1467873 Neocodex Member Locations

Posted by Skyscrape on 08 June 2011 - 04:44 AM in General Chat

  • Australia, Tasmania, Ulverstone

*waits for 3 headed jokes XD*

#1464777 Are you self destructive?

Posted by Skyscrape on 02 June 2011 - 07:59 AM in General Chat

I know the feeling. Just pretending to be happy and that everything is okay. You feel completely fake, and you also sit there and realize that everyone you consider a friend can't even notice when you are just pretending.

I really hope you don't have cancer though. That would be way to much :(

Yeah, it isn't the best way to deal with things. This is how I had it explained to me, what I do. I had pretty much like, a personal bubble of 'well-mind' where I was actually happy and all that. And outside, would be everything that could create anxiety or anger. If one of those was strong enough, it would break through the bubble, and start messing with you. If you managed to get it out, one of two things happened, either the replacement wall was too thin, and the situation would just recur, or the replacement wall could be too thick, blocking emotional response to anything to do with what was causing the feeling(The person, school etc.) If you didn't manage to get it out, then one of those thick replacement walls would go in the hole made by the anxiety/anger, and trap it in, while dulling your empathy towards the subject.

I hope so too, I won't find out until next week :/

#1464767 Are you self destructive?

Posted by Skyscrape on 02 June 2011 - 07:44 AM in General Chat

We've already had a bit of a talk about how I deal with things XD Honestly, I bottle it up, keep secrets, cry/scream/rage when I'm alone, and people can't hear/see me. This is because I don't want to burden my troubles on other people, and when I do, I do it in a glib manner, making it out to bother me less than it actually does. I also HAVE to have alone time every single day, just to think over things, and get my head in the right place to keep on acting. But when things explode, and I can't bottle anymore, I get very destructive physically towards myself, and I can be to the people around me. And yet, anyone else's problems, I'll quite willingly take on as my own.

It really sort of hit me today, just how convincing my glibness seems to be. I was letting a teacher of mine know that I'm currently being tested for eye cancer, and he replied with a "I never would've guessed! And you've got the right attitude too, always smiling and laughing". I'm getting sick of smiling in this situation :/

#1461485 How Neopets can tell if you've been cheating - even without using programs

Posted by Skyscrape on 25 May 2011 - 04:06 PM in Neopet General Chat

Many users have reported getting viruses and stuff from Neo's advertising, so I dunno :/

#1461207 Official Topic! Come here if you recently were frozen!

Posted by Skyscrape on 25 May 2011 - 04:58 AM in Neopet General Chat

Yep, one main and a semi-main were frozen, for buying/selling neopoints/pets XD

I still have one semi-main, and two side accounts though I wasn't chain iced, which was good XD

#1459335 Heaviest pet? bbq porkwich

Posted by Skyscrape on 22 May 2011 - 04:25 AM in Neopet General Chat

Nope, never tried to exploit it XD But my Koi came created with a weight of 121lb O_o

#1458402 Rapture day!

Posted by Skyscrape on 21 May 2011 - 12:01 AM in General Chat



Yep, this is bullshit, move along XD

#1458303 Why does Katy Perry copy so many of her songs?

Posted by Skyscrape on 20 May 2011 - 07:20 PM in Chit-Chat

LOLOLOL just looked them up. So its like, a group of singers who are basically sluts?

Yep XD They were 'discovered' in a Burlesque club, and probably one of them can sing quite well? The rest just sorta skank it up on their film clips(Not that they all don't do that, but the random one who just does the splits against things comes to mind XD)

#1458294 Why does Katy Perry copy so many of her songs?

Posted by Skyscrape on 20 May 2011 - 06:57 PM in Chit-Chat

Well then why isnt she just a porn star? 0:-)

Inspired by the Pussycat Dolls XD

#1458289 Why does Katy Perry copy so many of her songs?

Posted by Skyscrape on 20 May 2011 - 06:42 PM in Chit-Chat

^My feelings on the subject XD

Anyways, yeaaaah, copying is the name of the game recently, whether it's doing covers or taking bits and pieces of tunes, lyrics and beats. So, everything sounds the same, but yeah, Perry? Watch her sing Fireworks live, and you'll figure out how much she has under her voice, supportign it

#1458260 Elitist Swine!

Posted by Skyscrape on 20 May 2011 - 05:06 PM in General Chat

I'm elitist, in a fashion sense too, but in the way that if I've seen someone plaster on makeup, straighten/dye their hair, put extensions in, and in the most popular fashion year long(Even when it's daisy dukes and tanktops in winter) I assume they're idiots, and bitchy, backstabbing children. In my experience, they usually have been, thus where the view comes from but then again, it is high school in a bogan(redneck) area, so what did I expect?