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Radiuju's Content

There have been 8 items by Radiuju (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#926747 Hey people o_O

Posted by Radiuju on 12 August 2007 - 06:52 PM in Introductions

QUOTE(dolphinbomb @ Aug 7 2007, 10:47 PM) View Post
Hah, wow, welcome back smile.gif

Weren't you the reason we have Advanced Member rank now? >_>

Yeah, well the idea was mentioned many times but I think I gave the effort of the final push towards it.

Good to see you guys blink.gif I have to start posting again =P

#924423 Hey people o_O

Posted by Radiuju on 07 August 2007 - 07:20 PM in Introductions

Hey Hobo, grats on "Neopets Leader" oO! I remember you. I went on that site a couple days ago, to see what's become of neopets, saw "Neocash", and felt a moment of shame for them.

#924409 Hey people o_O

Posted by Radiuju on 07 August 2007 - 06:47 PM in Introductions

Been a while since i've been here, what's everyone been up to?? I'm sure people dont remember me but i'm interested to hear, what's going on? =O

#773695 The sound of Vista

Posted by Radiuju on 11 November 2006 - 06:54 PM in General Chat

WOw, That really is annoying, I don't even like the Windows XP Startup sound.

#772066 13 year old scammer gets owned at his own game

Posted by Radiuju on 09 November 2006 - 03:49 AM in General Chat

Never seen it before, but it was really funny. reminds me of the time a kid tried to scam someone out of a WOW account, but got turned around.

#772062 HOW YOU DOIN!?:p

Posted by Radiuju on 09 November 2006 - 03:34 AM in Introductions

thanks everyone. I am busy this week, so I havent much time to post much else, but fridays coming up, so..yay tongue.gif

#771503 HOW YOU DOIN!?:p

Posted by Radiuju on 08 November 2006 - 04:36 AM in Introductions

hi, Nice to meet you!

#771142 HOW YOU DOIN!?:p

Posted by Radiuju on 07 November 2006 - 02:45 PM in Introductions

Hey people, Guess who's back?


At long last I have finally decided to return after a few months and be an active member again (Thanks Cara for the extra push tongue.gif ) Some of you may remember me, but if not, Hi. I'm Radiuju. Well, there isn't 1 simple explanatory reason why I quit, I guess I felt I needed a break. (Besides, I got really occupied in Maple Story over the Summer.)

But i'm back now, because I did miss the community and I want to be apart of it again. I now realize I have to start making up for the time I missed (Comparing the Posts-Account Age Ratio and the 1.7 Post Average.) But that can be remedied cool.gif

I dont get much time for recreation Monday-Thursday, i'm usually REALLY busy in school and I am right now! I have a lot of projects and tests to study for, so my most active hours are on holidays, Friday Nights, and the weekend, so thats when i'll be able to post most often.

You can usually talk to me on MSN (My email/Msn is [email protected]) As for recreational updates, I got a laptop on Sunday! May I be the first one to say YES!!!! No more Freezing/glitching/10 minute booting up times hehe! Aswell, i'll start posting when I have more time, this weeks busy as usual, so I hope to see you around! I am sometimes on MSN during the weekdays, but i'll be usually doing homework, and sometimes talking to 1 or 2 people aswell.