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There have been 5 items by Gandrea (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1662767 /insert cool introduction here

Posted by Gandrea on 30 April 2013 - 03:07 AM in Introductions

Well it's certainly the first video of a member eating on their profile that I've seen so that's something unique. :p

Welcome to Neocodex. :)


I thought it was about time to show off my incredible eating skills. :cool:   

 Thanks!  :D


Lol I had to check this out for myself! Very interesting and don't mind the being awkward thing cuz there's a lot of us like that here, yey.


You and Kat, another member, should totally do a Taylor Swift look-a-like fight! I recommend your weapons of choice to be fluffy pillows!


Anyways, welcome to Codex.

Lol, I look like Taylor Swift?  :huh:  I hope that's a good thing because I don't like her, haha. 

Anyway, thanks!  :)

#1662757 /insert cool introduction here

Posted by Gandrea on 30 April 2013 - 01:52 AM in Introductions

Welcome to Codex :hi:
I'm Kate and I creeped your profile and you creeped me back so I figured I should come out of hiding long enough to welcome you :p
You are extremely beautiful *girlcrush*

*spazzes* Thank you so much!  :wub:

#1662753 /insert cool introduction here

Posted by Gandrea on 30 April 2013 - 01:02 AM in Introductions

welcome to the dark side :ph34r:

Haha, thank you.  :lol2:

Ahh, the dark side.  :reaper:  I hope you guys didn't lie about the free cookies. 

#1662750 /insert cool introduction here

Posted by Gandrea on 30 April 2013 - 12:37 AM in Introductions

Welcome!  :hi:

Heehee, thanks!  :D 


I'm currently exploring the wonderful world of Neocodex.  :thumbsup:

#1662748 /insert cool introduction here

Posted by Gandrea on 30 April 2013 - 12:14 AM in Introductions

Hi! c: I'm a newbie here (obviously) and I would like to introduce myself since I never actually posted anything yet.

I'm Andrea and I've been playing Neopets for 9 years. I've recently decided that doing legit stuff is not my way in life so I started cheating in Neo.

So far, I've been using Cheat Engine because I'm not really familiar in using those spiffy, awesome programs. xD

So yeah, I'm really awkward. :c