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There have been 15 items by Bee (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#2019487 Dappervolk

Posted by Bee on 12 March 2018 - 07:21 AM in Dappervolk

I also have a beta key for anyone who'd like it.

#2020006 Dappervolk

Posted by Bee on 19 March 2018 - 06:54 AM in Dappervolk

I could kick myself for not investing in the Kickstarter. I was thinking that I would not be so into it, but I love it so much I regret that decision.

#2020589 Dappervolk

Posted by Bee on 31 March 2018 - 11:17 PM in Dappervolk

Dappervollk is now Sharkvolk!


But seriously though, I love that they did this!

#2019713 Dappervolk

Posted by Bee on 15 March 2018 - 05:56 AM in Dappervolk

Still offering?


I'll send you the key :)

#2023652 *drumroll* ... New Retired member!

Posted by Bee on 23 May 2018 - 04:51 PM in Announcements and Notices

Congrats @Bones!

#2020000 New Private Leader!

Posted by Bee on 18 March 2018 - 08:33 PM in Announcements and Notices

Congrats, @Swar!

#2020383 Our Newest Retired Member!

Posted by Bee on 27 March 2018 - 03:01 AM in Announcements and Notices

Congratulations, you deserve it!

#2020547 ANNNNND another new Retired member has emerged!!

Posted by Bee on 30 March 2018 - 01:51 AM in Announcements and Notices


#2026737 Would you have a kid with your friend?

Posted by Bee on 11 August 2018 - 03:11 AM in General Chat

I personally would not have a kid with a friend, but I can see the appeal in raising a child communally.  I was raised by two parents (who are still together), but I was also raised by my extended family. It's a cultural thing, Nigerian families seem to have no boundaries and really subscribe to the whole 'it takes a village to rear a child' ideology and so my brothers and I grew up knowing we had - and still have - an excellent support network (outside our parents) around us.  I think this is the advantage of raising a child communally, especially if it's done right.

#2022278 Spring Soirée - A Quiz

Posted by Bee on 21 April 2018 - 05:44 AM in General Chat

1. How does Spring rank amongst the seasons for you?

Third. I love winter and autumn more.


2. What sounds remind you most of Spring?

The sound of birds chirping at 5 in the morning, and rain. Lots and lots of rain.


3. What is Spring like where you live? Is it hot, cold, wet, dry?

Usually wet, but we've had a mini heatwave the last few days and it's been super sunny and blue skies. It's forecast to rain tonight and over the next week though, so back to normal.


4. Any fun plans over the next couple of months before Summer?

Just exams D: I may potentially be visiting Seattle, but if that doesn't happen then I'll likely go to Amsterdam or Greece for a short holiday.


5. Will you be planting a garden? Any favourite crops? Anything you've wanted to garden but haven't?

My current house does not have a garden, but if I could I'd try to grow blackcurrants and strawberries. I'm super into them at the moment.


6. What is a trip you would love to take in the Spring?

Japan. But then I'd go to Japan any time of the year, I'm not choosy!

#2022632 Spring Soirée - A Quiz

Posted by Bee on 28 April 2018 - 12:45 AM in General Chat

Have you been to Japan previously? Which parts??


Haha no, I wish. That's why I'm open to going at any time, it just looks amazing.

#2020588 Ch-ch-changes!

Posted by Bee on 31 March 2018 - 11:12 PM in Announcements and Notices

Congrats Kate!

#2021034 [WINNERS] Second Annual Peepocalypse

Posted by Bee on 09 April 2018 - 05:37 AM in Neocodex Competitions

Damn, I was four out. Congrats, guys!

#2023763 Look at my baby. LOOK AT HER.

Posted by Bee on 25 May 2018 - 08:08 AM in Chit-Chat

Awww she's adorable! Congrats!

#2023861 Movie Chat: Solo

Posted by Bee on 28 May 2018 - 01:55 PM in General Chat

I saw it today and really enjoyed it, although I had actively tried to avoid watching trailers and reading about it so I had no expectations going in. I also feel the story did not need telling but Disney's gotta milk that Star Wars cow somehow before it runs dry.
