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There have been 35 items by trains56 (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#1863409 Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

Posted by trains56 on 11 May 2015 - 06:23 PM in Neopets Chit-Chat

Found a secret laboratory map which i auctioned for 120k, luckiest find yet

#1759449 Do you watch the LCS? If not you should.

Posted by trains56 on 27 May 2014 - 08:32 PM in Gaming

I have a feeling C9 just need a little bit of time to get back into things. After Hai's collapsed lung and all, they probably just need some more time to readjust. 

but losing to complexity is a bit much...

#1757785 Hearthstone!

Posted by trains56 on 25 May 2014 - 05:25 PM in Blizzard Games

Been playing this for a few days now. I like the game I just suuuuuck at it lmao. :p

u probably dont suck, its just that ur facing people who've played a lot or  payed money to get the op class cards 

#1757246 Does anyone play fan-made Pokemon games?

Posted by trains56 on 24 May 2014 - 08:06 PM in Pokémon

i'm not sure what its called but i remember watching a beta video of basically a street fighter version of pokemon.

#1755684 Black Ops 2 and other PS3 games anyone?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 07:09 PM in Gaming

I recently bought a PS3 and have been addicted to Call of Duty: Black Ops 2! :ninja: I have Grand Theft Auto 5, but wasn't a big fan of it. Anybody have any PS3 game suggestions they enjoy and reccomend playing? I like Black ops because I like playing online with other people :)

watch dogs is coming out on the 27th. u should look it up, it looks a tier above any other game i've seen

#1755683 What is the pokemon they like least?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 07:08 PM in Pokémon

Or what about Parasect?



he looks like half a crab and i like crabs :D

#1755555 Hearthstone!

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:31 PM in Blizzard Games

They git gud

But its by luck...... i mean when i get 3 druid of the claws, im happy, until i get to 8 wins and face some guy who has 2 force of natures and 2 savage roars

#1755552 Hearthstone Screenies Thread

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:30 PM in Blizzard Games

@Explode and I got the kids to bed and decided to have some aloooooone time.


not even scared of the explosive trap

#1755550 Nintendo General

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:28 PM in Gaming

imo, brawl is the best thing ever produced by ninento although mario karts pretty close second

#1755547 Favorite online video game(s)

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:26 PM in Gaming

League of Legends- as many times as i rage, i always come back to it because i watch the lcs and watch wildturtle which makes me wonder why i'm so bad



Hearthstone- for the times when i dont have time to play league XD

#1755544 Stuff I make.

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:23 PM in Arts & Graphics General

Finally updated my avatar ._.



Also, egg tempera, super fun paint to use until the paint goes bad and the smell ruins your container. Sorry for the burryness.


i like how u have that neoclassical influence with polished lines in first then the impressionist impasto look in the second 

#1755536 Altador Cup IX’s Team Codex Will Be…

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:20 PM in Announcements and Notices

If we choose a team now, can we change in in the middle of the tounament or u will stick with that team till the end of the cup?

stick too it , so no

#1755523 What is your favorite Pokemon and why?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:17 PM in Pokémon

100 percent charizard cuz i have the hologram old version pokemon card

#1755519 What is the pokemon they like least?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:16 PM in Pokémon

Why not Shroomish? It's literally a mushroom.

cuz breeloom is evolved and has legs, its a creepy mushroom


while if shroomish was an actual mushrrom, it could be fried, we all know fried food is good

#1755513 Hearthstone Questions

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:13 PM in Blizzard Games

Answer to best hero:


ATM in the meta, i'd say the strongest would be druid and shaman HOWEVER, u need the class cards for it to work

Warlock is very good also right now for rushing ppl down



For basic decks i'd just go with mage 

#1755509 Opening Expert Packs

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:10 PM in Blizzard Games

no one will be as unlucky as me, first legendary= grammash (good) second=antoher grammash ,WTFFF

#1755506 Hearthstone!

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:09 PM in Blizzard Games

i dont get how ppl even get 12 wins in arean...

#1755504 General League Discussion Thread

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:08 PM in Gaming

imo, brand is op in mid , rengar is op in top as an assasin, and the hiddenop is sejuani top once ppl learn how to play it #trust

#1755500 NEW SKIN for Nami!

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:06 PM in Gaming

no hype for rengar :(

#1755498 What is your favorite role?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:06 PM in Gaming

asssasin top (basically only rengar player here)

if not playmaking supports

#1755491 Who is your favorite ...

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:04 PM in Gaming

i can go RENGAR anwhre, REngarop. watch ryan choi :D

#1755489 What is the pokemon they like least?

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:03 PM in Pokémon

breeloom since he looks like a mushroom

i hate mushrooms

#1755485 Altador Cup IX’s Team Codex Will Be…

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:02 PM in Announcements and Notices

They deserve to be in some other position besides 17 or 18... In my opinion...

No, you have to wait two weeks.

but this 

May 26

  • 25 non-spam posts (with no additional requirements)
  • Help plox

#1755479 Getting Started with Neocodex

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 05:00 PM in Member Tutorials

You can sell your soul to satan.

Satan has declined me multiple times...

#1755476 Soooo we keep going off topic on the AC board.

Posted by trains56 on 22 May 2014 - 04:59 PM in Chit-Chat

los sientos no comprendo XD