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There have been 7 items by ChuckleBritches (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#2025051 Errors and "0 items" in shop.

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 03:57 PM in Abrosia Discussion

Yeah, I believe if you turn off the option to detect RS bans it'll just keep going. As long as you don't leave it like that for a really long time it shouldn't be a big deal though.


when I go to shops when actually logged in on browser, it shows the inventory.

Just curious, you're running the AB on a separate IP from whichever one you're accessing your main account on, right?


A ban can last for up to ~2 days, but it is generally shorter.

What do you mean by "not quite frozen yet"?

Yes, separate device.
I'll just wait it out.
And IDK, neopets be banning people left and right, I dont know if they have a list of pending actions to freeze or what, I dont know how they do it. LOL. But it appears they have def caught on to my shit.

#2025049 Errors and "0 items" in shop.

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 03:40 PM in Abrosia Discussion

Yeah, I believe if you turn off the option to detect RS bans it'll just keep going. As long as you don't leave it like that for a really long time it shouldn't be a big deal though.

I HAVE left it for a bit from time to time, but as I said I really feel I have nothing to lose since my main is entirely not associated. I have several other accounts and have AB running smoothly on one of them.
If it IS a ban, how long are those expected to last? I'm not quite frozen yet because I've logged in to all the nonfunctional accounts since.

#2025047 Errors and "0 items" in shop.

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 03:28 PM in Abrosia Discussion

Is it possible that you were RS banned when you saw the 0 items in shop?

I turned that off but maybe it just doesnt switch to igloo (so annoying) now and continues with the possibility of getting caught? Idk...

#2025044 Errors and "0 items" in shop.

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 03:18 PM in Abrosia Discussion

What’s your refresh time? What are your settings?

anywhere from 0.5 to 3.0. pretty broad and it still averages at 2.2 with the occasional speedy snipe.

#2025040 Best shop to AB in and why?

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 02:33 PM in Neopet General Chat

I keep telling him this, but he does not really listen well.

It might be if you know exactly how to use the program (how would you if youre new to it) but any guides I've found have been several years outdated so the entire layout doesnt even look the same.
I downloaded it, felt blind for about an hour, and promptly wiped my computer of it because nothing about it felt reassuring. A quick optional tutorial would be nice.

#2025039 Errors and "0 items" in shop.

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 13 June 2018 - 02:19 PM in Abrosia Discussion

Okay, so, I figured my error was from losing my wifi connection, but still not entirely sure. I'm still testing that theory as we speak.
My new current issue is that my AB keeps switching from Uni's Clothing to Plushie Palace and nothing else.
I decided to not specify which shops and let it go to all of them since I have it set to refresh pretty fast. (I feel I have nothing to lose with several unassociated accounts over the age of 5 years.) I did this because when I specified which shops, all shops had 0 items despite my main showing a full inventory. So now I'm stuck with 0 items or Uni's/Plushie limbo. 

Do I need to chill the eff out with my refresh time?

#2024821 Best shop to AB in and why?

Posted by ChuckleBritches on 09 June 2018 - 10:42 PM in Neopet General Chat

yeah valorsuit isnt very user friendly....