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WhatATwist's Content

There have been 5 items by WhatATwist (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#2024442 Hi all.

Posted by WhatATwist on 05 June 2018 - 02:04 AM in Introductions

Sorry to be annoying, had a search of the forums - is there a generic scoresender list/file floating about?

#2024420 Path of Exile

Posted by WhatATwist on 04 June 2018 - 09:18 PM in Gaming

How you buying your cheap currency? Most places still have season starting prices - unless selling to gold shops. Just been farming the old fashioned way here, haha.

#2024327 Path of Exile

Posted by WhatATwist on 04 June 2018 - 06:20 AM in Gaming

Anyone here playing in the new patch/season? (Incursion)

Currently attempting to gear a Windripper Tornado Shot build - stupidly expensive and a poor choice as a season starter.

List your builds below! :)

#2024326 Gardening

Posted by WhatATwist on 04 June 2018 - 06:18 AM in General Chat

Hi all,


Was wondering if anyone else did gardening of their own? A mate and I are starting out small - hoping to really get everything off the ground.

Growing a boatload of seedlings (about 100 of them) for Razmataz.
Got 3 cucumber plants going, a jalapeno plant, about 5 bean plants (bush beans), some snow peas, 5 strawberry plants, a long with a boatload of assorted herbs and spices.

Yours in gardening,


#2024325 Hi all.

Posted by WhatATwist on 04 June 2018 - 06:12 AM in Introductions

Hey guys,


New as all hell here, looking at learning about Neopets and the great community here. I'm in to gardening & gaming, hah. Not much of an introduction, apologies.

EDIT: Heard talk about something that handles your dailies automatically - really new to neopets and unsure where to start, especially with botting.

