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There have been 218 items by Jewbert (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#1617288 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 15 August 2012 - 05:34 PM in General Chat

In other news after a long deliberation I've concluded that my left boob is bigger than my right one.

Mine, too.

#1615309 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 10 August 2012 - 02:24 PM in General Chat

I'm on my rag and miserable.
I feel like I'm in labor.

Kill me now.

On a side note, Kiwi, I'd be more than happy to take some of your boobies. I'm a B cup LOL.

As I think I stated previously in this long thread, lol, BC has been a life changer for me in more than one way. No periods = no pain. I know everyone is different and feels differently about medication, but it is totally worth it for all of its benefits.
I'm happy with the Bs! When mine were larger naturally, they were not perky - at all. It was like an old woman's boobs on my chest.

#1615107 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 09 August 2012 - 06:18 PM in General Chat

Yeah, a lot :\
My husband and I have an agreement: if I can loose the weight I want to, maintain it for a year, then I can have my reduction and a breast lift BUT we have agreed the smallest I will go to is a DD. I haven't been that small since I was 13!

I had a reduction back in 2006, I think it was. I had back and shoulder pain, too. I tried to lose weight to see if that would make them smaller, but it wasn't fat that made them big. I was down to 118 and was like, ok, this is not working and I look nasty now.

It was one of the best things I have ever done! No regrets!

#1615074 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 09 August 2012 - 04:05 PM in General Chat

The only way I can avoid razor burn on my cooch is to immediately dump lotion on it when I'm done shaving and then reapply every 12 hours or so. My problem is that lotion tastes like ass. Is there a kind of lotion that doesn't taste nasty? Or could I use like avocado or something?

I never really have an issue with razor burn. I always use a razor with 5 blades and shaving gel. My only issue is an occasional ingrown, which to me looks gross. :/ But it happens.

honestly i always have to shave, i feel gross if i don't lol

I feel better, too. It's ok to be a week or so grown out, but full bushes... ehh no.

#1614854 Demonoid shut down for good?

Posted by Jewbert on 08 August 2012 - 05:24 PM in General Chat

I didn't click any links, but a friend and I were discussing it yesterday and he said one of the people who ran it was arrested. I first heard about this happening days ago, but I didn't find out on my own because I haven't visited the site in months. My friend said he didn't see how it would ever come back unless they had backup servers or something like that. Hell, I barely know what I'm talking about. O.o

#1614386 make music

Posted by Jewbert on 07 August 2012 - 02:16 PM in General Chat

All of these are so cool! I had started one, and I thought it sounded neat, but then Firefox crashed. Nice. Just my luck. I will try it again, I guess.


I have no idea what I'm doing.. I ended it abruptly. >__<

#1614367 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 07 August 2012 - 01:19 PM in General Chat

4 girls finger paint didn't seem that bad of a url name....until I went to it....................

Omg. . . how can people be so disgusting? I don't understand.


Posted by Jewbert on 07 August 2012 - 01:18 PM in General Chat

Posted Image
Happy birthday!! ^__^

#1614048 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 06 August 2012 - 03:31 PM in General Chat

Posted Image

I'm not even going to edit it and hide her identity. She's a fucktard. She is my brothers ex-girlfriend, he commented on her shit which lead to it being shown on my feed today.

It's a pain to try and decipher that. I deleted a few people who typed that way. They were all ghetto girls, though. LiEk dis tYPe oF Stuf. Hell that's probably not even close. I have to sit and think about how to type like a retard. How do they do it?!

#1613915 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 06 August 2012 - 12:09 AM in General Chat

The explosion was the worst part. I wonder why I hadn't stumbled upon this sooner. . .

#1613830 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 05 August 2012 - 03:52 PM in General Chat

OH GOD. Why did i look that up when i knew it was going to be bad :x

Because curiosity!

lollllll, I didn't. xD

Poop. There is poop involved.

#1613825 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 05 August 2012 - 03:37 PM in General Chat

jkkk, i don't want to see that shit :p

I see what you did there.

#1613822 Breaking Bad

Posted by Jewbert on 05 August 2012 - 03:26 PM in General Entertainment

How has everyone liked the 5th season so far?? I've enjoyed it. I look forward to tonight's episode. ^__^

#1613817 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 05 August 2012 - 03:10 PM in General Chat

You have the choice! I just suggested it :D
Did you look it up?!?!?!

dooo ittttttttttttt

Ohh yeah I had seen 2 girls 1 finger before. It's worse than 2 girls 1 cup, lemonparty, and Goatse combined. I think. The internet has some straaaange and nasty things.

Nice music, though. :p

#1613805 What Do You Hate About Facebook?

Posted by Jewbert on 05 August 2012 - 02:26 PM in General Chat

And pregnant chicks/mothers who post pictures of their stomachs and babies every day. Pregnancy bellies squick me out so whenever I find out one of my facebook friends are pregnant I block them. Especially the ones who upload pictures of their pregnancy tests. That's just nasty.

This probably sounds so insensitive, but I get tired of seeing belly pictures and sonogram pictures. I understand they're excited, but to make a sonogram photo your profile picture? No. Or when people make their newborn, reddish purple baby as their profile picture. Dafuq?

#1613157 New member lol

Posted by Jewbert on 03 August 2012 - 01:04 PM in Introductions



#1612833 STYLIN'

Posted by Jewbert on 02 August 2012 - 04:43 PM in General Chat

Generally, on a day to day basis, I wear tshirts or tank tops and jeans and/or shorts. I still have jeans from 10th grade or so, so I try and wear my stuff until it's unwearable. I like skinny jeans and flare jeans. Most of the time it's hard to find pants that are long enough for me, so that can be a pain in the ass. A lot of shirts made just for girls are too short, so I own a lot of unisex tshirts. I do have some pretty, girly shirts as well, though.

My shoes mostly consist of Vans and Converse. I wear Vans more often. I don't own a lot of heels. My highest pair is like, 2.5 inches.
Oh and being in southern Louisiana in the summer, it's so hard to stay cool. The humidity is terrible. It's almost dark here, and just being outside makes me sweat. Bleh. Loose tank tops and shorts ftw.

#1612344 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 01 August 2012 - 03:57 PM in General Chat

I can only imagine you as a very busy business women stopping occasionally for a frappuccino and a blowjob.

Hahahaha! Visualizing that made me laugh. Pffff!

#1612335 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 01 August 2012 - 03:45 PM in General Chat

I always thought sperm was more on the bitter side than the salty side o; maybe my taste buds are out of whack?

I've never actually stopped to taste it. Once it goes in, immediately swallow. I've never savored the flavor. But yeah, everyone is different. I've heard their diet can play a role on how their come tastes. More protein = saltier and more bitter.

#1612025 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 01 August 2012 - 11:21 AM in General Chat

Ugh I hate those "ribbed for her pleasure" condoms. Who does that actually feel good for? It feels like I'm being fucked with a Victorian Washboard.

Condoms are just. . . ehh. After not using them for so long, I wouldn't want to have to go back. I agree with your statement.


I don't understand women who spit. IT'S ALREADY IN YOUR MOUTH. What does spitting accomplish? It doesn't remove the taste, and the sperm die when they hit the acids in the stomach.

If I was a dude, and a woman spit out my seed, I think I would be pretty offended.

Yeah I think spitting would be nastier than swallowing. Gross.

#1611885 Mishatu's Estrogen Thread

Posted by Jewbert on 01 August 2012 - 12:19 AM in General Chat

I think I'm doing pretty well, actually. He has amazing fingers. And we've been together for a year and a half now, so idk. We just kinda... stop at the putting it in part. Also I'm fucking paranoid about getting pregnant, and we don't waste money on condoms. But hell yeah, we enjoy it. I don't know how I ever lived without orgasms.

I spit though. I hate swallowing.

All I gotta say is - after getting on the pill and not using condoms anymore, I got spoiled. Badly. Nothing compares to it.
inb4 diseases and stuff. We are checked and all that good stuff.

#1611848 Google Fiber

Posted by Jewbert on 31 July 2012 - 10:30 PM in General Chat

I wonder if it's just because you picked smaller torrents with less people to go after. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to try and get a court to track down 30k+ people.

I don't know... when I downloaded The Thing it hadn't been out for very long. I'm sure it was being seeded by a lot of people. But that was months ago, so now I can't remember.

#1611842 Google Fiber

Posted by Jewbert on 31 July 2012 - 10:02 PM in General Chat

Wow. That's pretty shocking. I've downloaded a lot and so far I haven't been hit. Guess its time to be more careful.

Yeah I didn't download as much as most other people. I think those emails were more of a warning.

#1611835 Google Fiber

Posted by Jewbert on 31 July 2012 - 09:44 PM in General Chat

And did you go for the big torrents or the smaller ones? Primarily seeded or leeched? Sorry, I'm just curious because I've never met anyone who actually got caught.

I always just downloaded the ones towards the top of the search results. Ones that had good reviews. I didn't download anything super big and fancy because I was impatient and just wanted a watchable copy. They had timestamps, IPs, and everything. The file name "The Thing 2011 720p BRRip x264 vice" too. Soooo. . . I'm paranoid now and I'm not chancing getting into further trouble.

#1611811 Google Fiber

Posted by Jewbert on 31 July 2012 - 07:01 PM in General Chat

They did nothing else after the emails. I stopped all seeds and stopped downloading. I used demonoid.