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There have been 1 items by bugggbugg (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#2033967 another 2000's player returning

Posted by bugggbugg on 01 February 2022 - 10:02 AM in Introductions

Hi guys!

I played in the early 2000's and then quit and then created a new profile about 6 years ago (I lied about my birthday on my OG account and couldn't figure out what I said it was lol). I played off and on until recently and now I'm really getting into it again!

I'm determined to have an account that little me could only dream of. Doing pretty well so far! It's a little hard to find good info now a days so I'm hoping I'm in the right spot. I would usually use reddit for tips and tricks for a game but they seem just as lost as I am about most things. 

Thanks for having mesmile1.gif