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#774158 [Guide]Minimizing the risk of being frozen[out dated]

Posted by 32103940 on 12 November 2006 - 06:53 AM in Neopet General Guides

why do you think that tnt wont put timers in their games?

ive been programming with flash for years and all it takes is a variable that increases by 1 on every frame. "timer= timer+1", this code will run every frame, so if the game is at 30fps, the timer increases by 30 every second. when score is sent, this timer value can also be sent along. time taken to reach that score would simply be timer/30= x seconds. when staff review your score, this time is compared against other times on the hiscore chart. using time-warping programs like speedgear will affect this timer, such you the cheater obtains a score in a contracted amount of time, ie, when TNT reads the log, they say you playing at a speed faster than non cheaters would. this is how speedgear is detected.

there are also other antihack methods such as counting the total number of clicks detected until the score is sent. a variable can be set to increase by one when OnEventClick is detected. this, for example can be compared against the score obtained in zurroball, where one click should correspond to 1 point on the score. if the ratio of clicks to points is say, a thousand or ten thousand to one, then TNT have every clue to ban you. this is how autoclickers are detected.

dont assume that TNT has no security measures in place, unless of course, your accounts have no value to you.