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Scandal of the century

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#1 Hydrogen

  • Neocodex Co-Founder

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:28 AM

Hello everyone, this is going to be quite a long post so please be patient with us. It gets quite juicy.

What happened?
A couple days ago, we found out about a website that likes to go by Neopets Cheats Database or NCD which was stealing a lot of tutorials from us, 3vo and neofreaks. They also planned to take down codex by having one of their members send me a keylogger which would give them my password. After that, they would login to my account, screenshot everything, make sql backups, give hidden administrator priveledges to some accounts, demote I'mportant members and delete forums.

We have been tracking their activity through a couple of accounts on their forum and screenshotted everything:
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot4.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot5.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot6.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot7.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot8.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot9.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot10.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/snapshot11.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/neofreaks_progs_1.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/neofreaks_tuts_1.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/neofreaks_tuts_2.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/neofreaks_tuts_3.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/war3z.png
  • http://www.neocodex.us/ncd/I'mg/war3z-2.png
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/7568/capture282103049vd.jpg
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/5110/capture282103058fh.jpg
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/8857/capture282103079sv.jpg
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/1448/capture282103091bo.jpg
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/688/capture282103101mz.jpg
  • http://I'mg130.exs.cx/I'mg130/1755/capture282103209tz.jpg
  • http://I'mg86.exs.cx/I'mg86/6397/capture282103211eo.jpg
  • http://I'mg86.exs.cx/I'mg86/4964/capture282103247uf.jpg
  • http://I'mg86.exs.cx/I'mg86/6520/capture282103311ts.jpg
  • http://I'mg86.exs.cx/I'mg86/6571/capture282103385ki.jpg
  • http://I'mg86.exs.cx/I'mg86/1701/capture282103408xf.jpg
  • http://I'mg54.exs.cx/I'mg54/4263/capture282103418ci.jpg
  • http://I'mg54.exs.cx/I'mg54/703/capture282103460wt.jpg
  • http://I'mg54.exs.cx/I'mg54/1705/capture282103475dg.jpg
  • http://I'mg54.exs.cx/I'mg54/638/capture282103556cn.jpg
  • http://I'mg54.exs.cx/I'mg54/4381/capture282103568pm.jpg
Their actual plan:

How it will happen
BAS1X, and Danneh, and most probrably other people are going to be kylogging the NeoCodex root administrator, "HydroGen". We have some people that are elligable for the job.

When it will happen
Most probrably, within the next two weeks, at the latest.

What we will do, having access to an administrator's account
Once we have infiltrated HydroGen's account, we will begin to make backups of the SQL, so that if we wanted to, we could copy the board and every member, topic, and post currently on there. We will then start to demote all members of staff with any powers at all (mods, smods, admins). That will be BAS1X's job. While he is busy, I will be catching every artmoney hack/program/source code/any peice of useful information. After finally rendering any staff useless, we will delete all boards.

God hope they have a backup.

What we did
After realizing their plan, we I'mmediately set out to stop them. We knew they were going after my account (hydrogen) so the account was totally rigged. It was given a fake administrator user group which allowed it to see completely fake admin and staff areas. Fake source code was inserted into those areas. Scripts in admin.php were modified to trigger off an alarm on every staff members computer when the trap was set off. A fake password was sent to the NCD crew who then tried to login to my account, went for acp first and tripped off an alarm. They were redirected to this page: http://www.neocodex.us/ncd. What they saw to their horror was that the information contained in NCD had been recorded, screenshoted, and emailed to NeoFreaks and 3volutions, so they can do what they deem appropriate to each of you. every neopets community will know about their failed attempt to close the biggest neopets forum on the internet. A special news bulletin was made on NeoCodex, explaining your plan to the members, and how we handled it.

The users: Hydrogen, dominate, favredriver, and kyo were automatically banned with execution of this script. All of their IPs have been logged, along with proof that they have made many illegal steps towards internet constituents. Their host will be notified soon as well as their ISPs. Neopets INC will also been notified of their activities and will decide what to do in regards to intellectual property they have taken by posting other neopets players' accounts and a passwords.

The users involved
  • favredriver
  • Dan
  • Kyo
  • Dominate
  • Bas1x
Why we did this
To protect Neocodex from disaster. Later we found out that these bunch of fools were not good conspirators at all. They were in fact afraid to login to my account once they had the password.

Another reason we did this was to end shit like this once and for all. Countless people on the internet think they are hackers when they are really script kiddies. Those same script kiddies think they can boss people around who are minding their own business. Let this be a warning to everyone else who even thinks about trying this on us - You mess with the best, you die like the rest.


For identity purposes, stryyp and netbususer were on our side undercover in NCD. They had nothing to do with their plans. They were actually very beneficial to us. Thank you stryyp and netbususer!

#2 Robert

  • 6934 posts

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:29 AM

lol now how stupid can they be :lol:

Great work Stryyp and netbususer :D

#3 Guest_Rambo_*


Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:32 AM

You CENSOREDin wanker kyo I knew you was up to no good.

You told me you was going to hack 3volutionize I passed if off as you would not be able to. But reading that and finding out you was gonna hack codex has pissed me off.

Yes thankyou Styrrp and Netbususer

#4 Frizzle

  • M'lord

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:32 AM

Can I just explain to everyone that all these members are now offically reconigsed as scum and I want you all to delete and block these people off your msn lists. Just a favour, we don't anything to do with these people, right?

Thanks Netbususer and Styrpp.

Edited by Frizzle, 31 March 2005 - 09:33 AM.

#5 Brad

  • How about a magic trick?

  • 4565 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:34 AM

It's hard to I'magine a bunch of rejects trying to take down the biggest npets community in existance. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the result.

Hydro said it best when he stole a line from Hackers.

"You mess with the best, you die like the rest."

#6 ShadowLink64

  • 16735 posts

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:35 AM

Good job all staff and administrators! And thank you very much Stryyp and netbususer for your services. :D

#7 Fox

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:35 AM

Nice one guys - very clever counter plan indeed. :) You sure had them foxed!

I want you all to delete and block these people off your msn lists.

I know I have some of those guys in there but I've actually forgotten what their emails are... ah well. Big contact hunt, here we come.  <_<

#8 .:Orange:.

  • 1168 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:40 AM

Just another day at neocodex... :p

Yey Stryypethy and Netbus! :happybday:

#9 Ashaide

  • 4621 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:48 AM

I knew there was something about Kyo... what some tossers... makes me sick

#10 Hydrogen

  • Neocodex Co-Founder

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:53 AM

I just wanna emphasize that this will always happen to people who try this shit on us. Its like this: You dont get in our way and we dont get in yours. The minute you start to threaten us, we stop playing mr nice guy and start being evil fire breathing dragons :devil:

#11 Ender

  • 4323 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:56 AM

Pwned. ^_^

#12 .:Orange:.

  • 1168 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:57 AM

Dragons! Dragons are shiny! ^_^

#13 Brad

  • How about a magic trick?

  • 4565 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:02 AM

#14 Arkidas

  • 1231 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:04 AM

Hmm, weird Kyo was in this. Well for the infinity of the elements, I accept. They suck.

#15 .:Orange:.

  • 1168 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:04 AM

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So... is that Hydrogen then?

#16 Guest_Rambo_*


Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:10 AM

lol go hydrogen

#17 Stryyp

  • 2788 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:23 AM

So, it is finally out ^_^  

Glad that this whole ordeal is over.

#18 Faisal

  • 1989 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:27 AM

Good job guys. you are really the best.

You people are smart. I love it when you make codex a quite place...thank you for banning the TARDS. :)

again, thank you.

#19 Jaf

  • 1654 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:30 AM

I'm stunned, again.
Strypp and Netbususer are the heroes of the hour!

#20 Gargar

  • 4901 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:30 AM

wow that just shows neocodex and its staff is the best of the best

#21 Mumei

  • 3545 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:36 AM

Well done everyone who were involved in this, you have shown how mature this site is - it would have been so easy for everyone to have gone over to their little site and spammed it back into the stone age.  But this was the way to deal with them.

This goes out to all Involved (you know who you are) - Good Job :D

#22 acidtears

  • 889 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:36 AM

wow now thats scandalous

I cant believe they tried to do that

good job to Netbus and Stryyp, I love u guys even more now  ^_^

#23 Hydrogen

  • Neocodex Co-Founder

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:41 AM

Mmm...I doubt this'll be the last we hear of them guys...

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if it isnt, then they are really really dumb...they just got majorly pwned...I would have learned my lesson a long ti'me ago.

#24 Niche

  • 2521 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:42 AM

Wow all of this drama, boy some ppl r just plain stupid how could they think they would succeed against Codex honestly ppl these days...........

My heroes stryyp and netbususer!!! :thumbsup:

#25 Gargar

  • 4901 posts

Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:45 AM

if they try again neocodex will just pwn then again...and again..lmao I would like to see what there nexed half baked plan is lmao

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