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Why is it when the DNC is in power the GOP always tends to spout BS about how they are runining the economy...yet under the GOP influence..taxes drop yet deficit increases...SIMPLE TAXES are needed..They help fund social services..I hate taxes but come on we need to fund our states. Now everyone will blame Obama for his inefficiency without realizing that his inefficiency is due to problems created by us. Not saying whether its good or bad but simply acknowledging our faults..Please Restore S...
Nov 02 2010 06:13 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Haha Scot I love you! pluses for having hot ass Williams on your pic
    Nov 02 2010 06:35 PM
  • AugustaGolf's Photo
    Well those of us who own businesses aren't too happy about more taxes; are you surprised we'd complain about that? Nobody wants to neglect our social responsibility but it's never fun to know you're paying more out of your pocket than someone else; that's just human nature. Looks like the ole political pendulum is already starting its way back.
    Nov 02 2010 06:38 PM
  • talbs's Photo
    go go GOP
    Nov 02 2010 07:39 PM


Bah 2 more hrs till poll closes... Prop 19 let's do it n fight the corrupt dea!!!
Nov 02 2010 04:54 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Btw, the mobile version of NC is awesome
    Nov 02 2010 05:26 PM
  • Mishelle's Photo
    I agree about the mobile thing
    Nov 02 2010 06:35 PM


How the hell did Rand Paul win...I guess Armageddon is coming..All Hail Aqua Buddha!
Nov 02 2010 03:03 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Hahaha Scot I guess it is XD
    Nov 02 2010 03:26 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Well..Famine there shouldnt be 2 parties..There should be more.
    Nov 02 2010 03:27 PM
  • Famine's Photo
    Well if you further divide the country with more 'parties' that just complicates things. I believe that we should eliminate parties altogether and as I said make it a free system where we vote in the person we the people most trust to get the job done. We don't need pretty speakers, we need problem solvers for America.
    Nov 02 2010 04:12 PM


I just voted YES on Prop 19..woot woot
Nov 02 2010 11:21 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    the jobs being weed dealers...lol but there is always a job..only 21+ can buy it so sell to those who can't? 50 bucks for an oz i'll sell an 8th for 10 and just keep making money to buy that oz. It will mean more money for CA too..

    Nov 02 2010 01:13 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    And as for Facebook..most of those people probably don't live in CA. And how many of those would vote? All these numbers are skewed.
    Nov 02 2010 01:14 PM
  • bakedpotato's Photo
    Well thats why i said for what its worth, i'm sure it's not at all accurate, but the numbers are still there.

    We have more than a good chance to win this, as long as everyone goes out and votes for it instead of expecting everyone else to do it for them.

    I would rather give money to the government (even though I don't like them) to put towards education and shit, than give money to dealers which is funneled into gangs and cartels in mexico
    Nov 02 2010 01:18 PM


well not going to the rally this weekend, oh well..Off to Vegas in a bit see ya sunday!
Oct 29 2010 10:16 AM


Hahaha Zombies on Community....awesome
Oct 29 2010 12:21 AM
  • Drakonid's Photo
    -I can't believe someone would mass roofie an entire party.
    -I can't believe it wasn't me.
    Oct 29 2010 03:58 AM
  • luvsmyncis's Photo
    I'm waiting for the DVD to come out because that's a show I have to watch one right after another :(
    Oct 29 2010 06:26 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    icefilms.info for the win..
    Oct 29 2010 10:10 AM


Wow..People are so stupid...Mom Accused of Killing Baby Over Farmville Game Interruption
Oct 28 2010 10:31 AM
  • Boggart's Photo
    too late. babeh dead.
    Oct 28 2010 10:51 AM
  • Lucian's Photo

    Inappropriate I know. But What Boggart said reminded mE of it >.<
    Oct 28 2010 10:58 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    haha..wow too tan and blonde..barbies tsk tsk..
    Oct 28 2010 11:04 AM


Lets go Giants!!!
Oct 27 2010 11:09 AM


Bah..Way behind on games..I need to stop playing CoD: MW2...Just got my Alien Blaster gun!!! Now on to Red Dead or finish L4D2 Expert...
Oct 26 2010 10:22 PM
  • Slawter's Photo
    play the new undead nightmare on red dead, its awesome XD
    Oct 27 2010 07:58 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Haven't played Red Dead at all, although I've had it forever...lol Banjo Kazooie was awesome..love that they have it for a xbox dl too..so fun.
    Oct 27 2010 11:10 AM
  • Slawter's Photo
    banjo kazooie nuts and bolts? That game madde me lol lots!
    Oct 27 2010 11:52 AM


Yay..Time for my dose of Crackaine..One Piece is out
Oct 21 2010 12:26 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    and like that its over..worse than crack..now a whole nother week of waiting.
    Oct 21 2010 12:31 AM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    Oct 21 2010 12:42 AM


Bah..Fly to Washington to go to Restoring Sanity Rally with Colbert/Stewart or head to Vegas for the weekend...decisions decisions
Oct 14 2010 11:43 AM
  • Hybrid49's Photo
    Go to Washington, the rally is once in a lifetime thing, vegas is always there...besides, the only thing vegas offers is clamidia and an empty wallet...Winner:hybrid49
    Oct 14 2010 05:12 PM
  • iargue's Photo
    Its not a once in a lifetime thing. I've listened to people give speeches hundreds of times. Unless there is will be naked hookers and booze out the ass at this event, it wont be as good as vegas.
    Oct 14 2010 05:36 PM
  • Hybrid49's Photo
    Hookers and booze can be found in nearly every city, including Washington. Just wondering, what's the point of hookers if you're too drunk to enjoy them? In addition, if you need to pay money to get laid shouldn't that say something about yourself?
    Oct 15 2010 07:58 AM


today is a good today..After a couple of years I've gotten me White Widow...
Oct 13 2010 11:01 AM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    Cocaine and Opium are natural drugs also. So is Arsenic. Doesn't make them 'okay'.
    I'm fucking with you. I don't smoke anymore but I've been known to take MDMA from time to time.
    Oct 13 2010 11:55 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Actually Cocaine isn't natural. Cocaine is derived from Coca there with the help of chemicals. IT has to be extracted. Coca is used only for the indigenous people of the Andes as part of their culture.

    Oct 13 2010 12:07 PM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Natural Opium is highly different from Morphine and Heroin...It is not the same. but I live in CAlifornia =D
    Oct 13 2010 12:11 PM


Google is going to dominate the world..Like Pinky and the Brain..saw the new driverless car pass me by..weird looking but sweet..
Oct 12 2010 03:22 PM
  • Derriere's Photo
    so auto pilot for cars ...would that reduce the #'s for licenses lolollol.
    Oct 12 2010 03:43 PM
  • iargue's Photo
    @jared. Computers simply cannot do what they are not programmed to do. If you say, dont hit a human. It cant, unless there is no possible way to avoid it (Suicide fucking jumpers)
    Oct 12 2010 04:23 PM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    True, however you're assuming the vehicle has been programmed perfectly.. I'm sure that's a fair bet to make considering it's fucking Google, but hey. I'm not against the idea, it just makes me a little nervous on first thought.
    Oct 12 2010 05:01 PM


Yay...Marijuana has now been dropped from a mis. to an infraction, the same as speeding for weed of up to an oz...Gj Arh-nold
Oct 01 2010 06:17 PM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    Haven't heard of that one Sircomflix..
    My preferred method is as follows:
    1.Break up your 'goods' and grind them into a fine powder.
    2.Pack that powder into an empty gelatin capsule. (Can be found at any health food stores)
    3.Go to the bathroom and take a nice healthy shit. You want your colon as clean as possible for the next step -
    4.Take aforementioned gel capsule and insert it into your anus. Be careful of inserting it too far (capsule wont absorb), ...
    Oct 03 2010 04:42 PM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    , or not far enough (you'll just shit it out). A good rule of thumb is to go two-knuckles deep.
    Oct 03 2010 04:43 PM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    Oct 25 2010 09:16 PM