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Google is going to dominate the world..Like Pinky and the Brain..saw the new driverless car pass me by..weird looking but sweet..
Oct 12 2010 03:22 PM
  • Derriere's Photo
    so auto pilot for cars ...would that reduce the #'s for licenses lolollol.
    Oct 12 2010 03:43 PM
  • iargue's Photo
    @jared. Computers simply cannot do what they are not programmed to do. If you say, dont hit a human. It cant, unless there is no possible way to avoid it (Suicide fucking jumpers)
    Oct 12 2010 04:23 PM
  • jaredennisclark's Photo
    True, however you're assuming the vehicle has been programmed perfectly.. I'm sure that's a fair bet to make considering it's fucking Google, but hey. I'm not against the idea, it just makes me a little nervous on first thought.
    Oct 12 2010 05:01 PM