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Bah..Fly to Washington to go to Restoring Sanity Rally with Colbert/Stewart or head to Vegas for the weekend...decisions decisions
Oct 14 2010 11:43 AM
  • Hybrid49's Photo
    Go to Washington, the rally is once in a lifetime thing, vegas is always there...besides, the only thing vegas offers is clamidia and an empty wallet...Winner:hybrid49
    Oct 14 2010 05:12 PM
  • iargue's Photo
    Its not a once in a lifetime thing. I've listened to people give speeches hundreds of times. Unless there is will be naked hookers and booze out the ass at this event, it wont be as good as vegas.
    Oct 14 2010 05:36 PM
  • Hybrid49's Photo
    Hookers and booze can be found in nearly every city, including Washington. Just wondering, what's the point of hookers if you're too drunk to enjoy them? In addition, if you need to pay money to get laid shouldn't that say something about yourself?
    Oct 15 2010 07:58 AM