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Most Likely Prop 19 will not pass...Due to stupid voters and such..Now we give more Money to Mexican cartels and Drug Gangs in Ca and the DEA..Congrats Ca voters for being stupid and listening to propaganda..I have lost all faith in any system..
Nov 02 2010 09:17 PM
  • Scot's Photo
    Bill White also lost
    Nov 02 2010 11:51 PM
  • iargue's Photo
    Why is it no one ever thinks that maybe its the drug cartels and not the people that are preventing this? They will lose a shitfuckton of money
    Nov 03 2010 01:06 AM
  • Warriors's Photo
    Drug cartels from Mexico usually have little if no power in politics in America. Maybe Money to gov't officials but I doubt that can really do anything.More lobbyists that are blocking it.
    Nov 03 2010 02:31 AM