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is laughing at the retarded Facebook ignorant masses..So these idiots believed that changing their picture to a cartoon will help stop child violence...in what way I ask? who knows its FB...Now it seems that the whole thing was created by PEDOBears to get easier access to children on facebook if their picture was a cartoon..LOL idiots
Dec 06 2010 10:24 PM
  • PeonYourLawn's Photo
    i support the orange dragons in their cause to kill eragon
    Dec 06 2010 10:27 PM
  • Brennon's Photo
    I read it was so every profile pic was of a cartoon instead of actual people
    Dec 06 2010 10:30 PM
  • Rapanbunny's Photo
    They just made me remind some old cartoons I used to watch .-.
    Dec 06 2010 10:36 PM