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I love NC trading... but I also fucking hate NC trading, ja feel?
Jun 21 2014 07:51 AM
  • Nanarie's Photo
    And it could still use the box system, like you need a box to put up a trade and you need a box to offer an item. WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN DONE YET
    Jun 21 2014 08:22 AM
  • trizzle's Photo
    That's a fucking A+ idea. There are so SO many assholes on the NC boards, it would cut down on so much bullshit
    Jun 21 2014 08:54 AM
  • Nanarie's Photo
    ugh I know. The NC board could actually be used for more than just "SEEKING GBCS!!!!!!" If only TNT actually gave a shit about good ideas.
    Jun 21 2014 09:08 AM