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what are fun things to do at a party/gathering other than drink?
Jul 20 2016 08:17 PM
  • Kaddict's Photo
    How we play is we grab a screwdriver, and someone throws it, and it has to stick in the grass. Before you throw, you say, "Nanarie, right foot" and you have to move your right foot there. Then you get to throw at someone else, and if you fall down, you are out. It gets really tangled and really messy, but it is a ridiculous amount of fun. Someone ends up bleeding 10-20% of the time though, so be careful.
    Jul 21 2016 06:35 PM
  • Nanarie's Photo
    @Kaddict o..oh D: maybe i'll play with like... a beanbag? D:
    Jul 21 2016 08:57 PM
  • FelisNoctua's Photo
    @Nanarie It's Russian Roulette, with kittens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAkRKuv5Rts
    Jul 22 2016 09:24 AM