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So... Isn't it very suspicious to TNT if you start ABing again after one week? *paranoid look*
Mar 06 2012 10:01 AM
  • Bandicoot's Photo
    well to be honest, if they knew you were autobuying wouldnt they freeze you anyway :p
    but na, surely if you took a break from it for a week it'd look more natural :)
    Mar 06 2012 11:21 AM
  • Nymh's Photo
    Nah, just a couple hundred of the most efficient RS'ers in the game happened to go on a 10 day vacation at the same time.
    Mar 06 2012 12:21 PM
  • Leaf's Photo
    think of the millions and millions of poeple that restock. Now think of the handful of us that do it... they dont miss us. In fact they havent even noticed. There are plenty of other cheating site's out there with AB'ing programs
    Mar 06 2012 12:59 PM