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Just drove through downtown Portland on the busiest streets. I saw maybe 15 other cars on the road. Wow! This city just shuts down for snow or ice. I was able to drive so easily.
Jan 04 2016 03:03 AM
  • Shane's Photo
    Glad I know how to drive on this stuff due to living in eastern Washington most of my life.
    Jan 04 2016 03:04 AM
  • Rocket's Photo
    Heh we aren't used to it in the valley though :P So yea most people forget how to drive or just stay home
    Jan 04 2016 06:57 AM
  • danibanani's Photo
    Even here in Ontario everyone forgets how to drive the minute we get snow, drove home through a mini blizzard on the highway last night and saw several cars in the ditch and I have really crap tires on right now and didn't have any troubles
    Jan 04 2016 10:09 AM