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People of Codex, I need some fun ideas for Pi Day for my classroom, I have some already, but would like some more! I have 6th-8th graders. Help me out!
Mar 12 2016 11:28 AM
  • Kass's Photo
    Please tell me there will be at least one pie! (write the pi symbol on it or something :P)
    Mar 12 2016 05:37 PM
  • Futurama's Photo
    I have an activity where the student that can recite the most digits of pie gets to throw a pie in my face...need more activities though. Thanks for the (real) ideas folks.
    Mar 12 2016 11:36 PM
  • Kass's Photo
    Oh man, that's a great activity! I'll have to remember that :)
    Mar 13 2016 12:28 AM