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I hate group projects so much -_- We have to present for an hour and fifteen minutes on Tuesday and no one is emailing me back.
Feb 13 2014 01:35 PM
  • My husbands best friend did that, the group he was assigned to work with didn't do a damned thing. He did everything he could to get them to meet him at school, outside of school, etc. In the end he printed off screenshots of texts on his phone, emails between him and them telling them to meet up and all their excuses.
    Feb 13 2014 02:58 PM
  • The teacher failed every single one of them.
    Feb 13 2014 02:58 PM
  • Emily's Photo
    I hope it doesn't come to that. I don't have the time to put together a project that huge. I have other schoolwork and things outside of class to worry about ._. I think I'll just do my part and then email my teacher by tomorrow if people don't reply to me.
    Feb 13 2014 03:08 PM