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Ended this semester with a 3.6 GPA. I'm so proud of myself lol. I worked so hard.
May 13 2014 02:06 PM
  • Katya's Photo
    Congrats! WOOHOO! xD
    May 13 2014 03:26 PM
  • Sweeney's Photo
    I don't know what it means, but it sounds great! Whee!
    May 13 2014 03:48 PM
  • Emily's Photo
    Thanks everyone! :P

    @Sweeney, grade point average. The highest GPA you can have is a 4.0. You get points for your letter grades (4 for A, 3 for B, 2 for C, 1 for D, 0 for an F) and then they average it out. All A's would be a 4.0, All A's and one B would be 3.8, etc. idk it's confusing. I just use a GPA calculator.
    May 14 2014 03:42 AM