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The heat index is 106. I'm not leaving the house today.
Aug 23 2014 11:16 AM
  • RedLoveBlackHeart's Photo
    I recommend you stay hydrated. You don't want get heatstroke. Where I live it usually tops 103 but rarely ever will it get 106. I feel for you.
    Aug 23 2014 11:56 AM
  • Emily's Photo
    I almost had heat stroke before. Not fun. Couple of years ago my uncle got me tickets to a football game for my birthday and they were right on the 50 yard line under the sun. In September. Oh it was bad lol
    Aug 23 2014 12:33 PM
  • Emily's Photo
    Forgot to mention it was a Gators game too and Gainesville is a swamp.
    Aug 23 2014 12:38 PM