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Just nearly missed getting hit by a car by about two feet because another car was blocking them from my view e.e That about describes my day. On the bright side, I finally pitched an idea to my final thesis professor that he didn't have concerns with!
Jan 22 2015 04:20 PM
  • Emily's Photo
    Yeah, we were walking and my roommate said she almost jumped in front of me LOL another bright side, I have a great roommate?
    Jan 22 2015 04:34 PM
  • Fikri's Photo
    glad youre ok! and good job with the thesis... now for the hard part- actually doing the thesis!
    Jan 22 2015 07:01 PM
  • Peaches's Photo
    And watch your step next time, geezus.
    Jan 23 2015 12:11 AM