When were super bored, we youtube.
Usually we start out watching Failblog, then it progresses to 'Fat Kids Falling', or 'Children Getting Hurt', then I hijack and we watch 'Cats Being Cute'.
Other than that, skate park. guitar. videos on learning how to play the keyboard or something like that.
Sometimes we bake things together or try to make something out of whatever random ingredients we have.
Or we have a marathon of some random nostalgic show or movies, like Pacino movies or something.
Once we sat for like, 8 hours doing stupid fucking quizzes on quizilla. We wanted to know what our power animals were, and it just sort of sucked us in. :|
That place is dangerous when your bored to death.
Uhm, we go to the dog park or teach the dogs new tricks, wash the cars, try and do stupid things like learning to do a backflip or walk on our hands, we do random yardwork, and alot of the times we just go sit at starbucks and people watch. We bring a book and act like were reading, but really we just talk shit about people. We usually talk to a shit ton of people we know too, which is nice for passing time. My towns small.
Apparently were boring too....