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If you don't speak English, stay the hell out of America, seriously!

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#176 Jake

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 01:37 PM

How does this work, exactly?

His step mom was so French that she just stuck that shit right in him.

#177 italkaboutoddthings

  • 139 posts

Posted 14 April 2011 - 02:38 PM

This obscene board is still up? Here I thought, racial slander and profanity was a bannable offence. Though converted into a 3rd person or anecdote it follows the same concept. If anything you should be ruled with a warning. Keep your ideology to yourself, if you seeking comfort this isn’t the place. If comfort was addressed, the words people say and the examples are merely synonyms’. Not much help there huh?

#178 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 02:41 PM

This obscene board is still up? Here I thought, racial slander and profanity was a bannable offence. Though converted into a 3rd person or anecdote it follows the same concept. If anything you should be ruled with a warning. Keep your ideology to yourself, if you seeking comfort this isn’t the place. If comfort was addressed, the words people say and the examples are merely synonyms’. Not much help there huh?

I don't think censorship is the solution here

#179 Guest_tory_*


Posted 14 April 2011 - 02:42 PM

sometimes i noticed that people come to the USA and cant speak English it all depends on how long they have been here but this point is right if they have money to go shoping for new clothes then you can afford Rosetta Stone you have seen them super exspensive cars they drive i used to street race and its always Asians Mexicans and Arabs out there that i had to race against and they have thousands of dollars in to there cars

#180 Ladida

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 02:52 PM

sometimes i noticed that people come to the USA and cant speak English it all depends on how long they have been here but this point is right if they have money to go shoping for new clothes then you can afford Rosetta Stone you have seen them super exspensive cars they drive i used to street race and its always Asians Mexicans and Arabs out there that i had to race against and they have thousands of dollars in to there cars

I guess, since they're super rich and stuff, they don't need English to get ahead :o All the poor Americans could learn a thing or two from them :p Those immigrants must be doing something right apparently!

#181 Jake

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 02:56 PM

This obscene board is still up? Here I thought, racial slander and profanity was a bannable offence. Though converted into a 3rd person or anecdote it follows the same concept. If anything you should be ruled with a warning. Keep your ideology to yourself, if you seeking comfort this isn’t the place. If comfort was addressed, the words people say and the examples are merely synonyms’. Not much help there huh?

Oh god one of you whiny rights people. It's not like we're torturing people here, the world needs to have basic racism. We need it for comedy and as a reminder that we aren't all the same.

#182 Adam

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 03:04 PM

I have no problem with immigrants, as long as they do it legally. What does piss me off is when I can't understand what the hell they are saying. I took Japanese for 4 years in highschool with the hopes of moving to Japan some day. I'm still here in the good ole US of A thankfully, but I can't stand half of these Hispanic people that talk to me :[.

#183 Guest_tory_*


Posted 14 April 2011 - 03:13 PM

I guess, since they're super rich and stuff, they don't need English to get ahead :o All the poor Americans could learn a thing or two from them :p Those immigrants must be doing something right apparently!

No they are just really good a scaming the government, we offer them tons of grants to go to school, learn english, get houses, cars and god knows what else. Then we tell them that Americans will try to scam them once they get there green cards. I have a lot of foreign friends that have told me this. The only ones that have money are the ones that are only here to go to school

#184 Jake

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 03:23 PM

No they are just really good a scaming the government, we offer them tons of grants to go to school, learn english, get houses, cars and god knows what else. Then we tell them that Americans will try to scam them once they get there green cards. I have a lot of foreign friends that have told me this. The only ones that have money are the ones that are only here to go to school

Don't forget they come in packs of 300, you save lots of money when you overcompensate in space for your house by over 5000%

#185 Guest_tory_*


Posted 14 April 2011 - 03:57 PM

Don't forget they come in packs of 300, you save lots of money when you overcompensate in space for your house by over 5000%

lol yea renting of a 4x4 foot closet to a faimly of 12 for 300 bucks

#186 mjcm

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 04:00 AM

if that's the case, then they should also be banned from other countries to make things fair. That would clearly result to unjust discrimination. All constitutions has universally stated that in the convention for the protection of human rights. Even though English is a universal language, i think there is no law which prohibits one from being a US citizen solely because of his English speaking skills, Afterall, the US follows that jus soli doctrine in acquiring citizenship.

#187 Jake

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Posted 20 April 2011 - 03:13 PM

if that's the case, then they should also be banned from other countries to make things fair.

All those who vote yes, say I!


#188 tak1968

  • 56 posts

Posted 20 April 2011 - 03:33 PM

I agree it can me annoying but they live here too.

What irks me is:

1. Calling what u think is a US company, only to be outsourced to ppl 1/2 way across the world who dont know what the hell u are talking abt, and the one that pisses me off the most...

2. standing in line at the grocery store, the person ahead of you buys 300 bux in food, pays with food stamps, has a balance of non food items of 5 bux, pays with a hundred dollar bill, then drives away in a caddillac. THAT is what pisses me off

we were recieving food assistance last yr, then when the government deemed my daughter disabled and she started reciving her monthly check, the food assistance stopped. now whenever my family needs food, and theres nowhere to turn, it comes out of her money.. which is obscene.

sorry for my rant

#189 esilim

  • 508 posts

Posted 21 April 2011 - 04:11 AM

I agree it can me annoying but they live here too.

What irks me is:

1. Calling what u think is a US company, only to be outsourced to ppl 1/2 way across the world who dont know what the hell u are talking abt, and the one that pisses me off the most...

2. standing in line at the grocery store, the person ahead of you buys 300 bux in food, pays with food stamps, has a balance of non food items of 5 bux, pays with a hundred dollar bill, then drives away in a caddillac. THAT is what pisses me off

we were recieving food assistance last yr, then when the government deemed my daughter disabled and she started reciving her monthly check, the food assistance stopped. now whenever my family needs food, and theres nowhere to turn, it comes out of her money.. which is obscene.

sorry for my rant

#2 especially. And, I'm always paying through the nose and buying stuff slightly less healthy than i wish i could for my family. While they are blowing the government wad (my money!!) on even more expensive junk foods. My family could actually be healthier if the government wasn't taking the money from me to give it to them. if people are hungry, and they won't work, screw em; it's their own fault. if people are hungry, and they can't work, give em rice and beans.

#190 tak1968

  • 56 posts

Posted 21 April 2011 - 05:17 AM

yup... surprising what crap they have in their 2-3 carts at the checkout!

#191 Eyams

  • 116 posts

Posted 24 April 2011 - 06:35 PM

yay canada. (:

#192 Jake

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Posted 26 April 2011 - 04:49 AM

So why don't you get a job and use that money to feed your family you cheap ass.

#193 MisterDerp

  • 261 posts

Posted 26 April 2011 - 04:07 PM

yay canada. (:

What's so special about Canada? If you're gonna post in a topic like this, at least elaborate on what you're saying.

#194 Maloo

  • 445 posts

Posted 04 May 2011 - 04:55 PM

Just a reminder:
Not all of the latinos/asians/whatever speak terrible English or incomprehensible English.
I'm brazilian, and if I talked to you, It'd probably take some time until you realized I'm foreign.
Just don't generalize guys.I'm not saying that we all have perfect English and perfect accent, I'm just saying that not all of us speak like the stereotype states.
Posted Image

#195 Jake

  • 2701 posts

Posted 06 May 2011 - 06:22 AM

Just a reminder:
Not all of the latinos/asians/whatever speak terrible English or incomprehensible English.
I'm brazilian, and if I talked to you, It'd probably take some time until you realized I'm foreign.
Just don't generalize guys.I'm not saying that we all have perfect English and perfect accent, I'm just saying that not all of us speak like the stereotype states.
Posted Image

We realise this, but the ones that do are fucking annoying. At least throw them in jobs where they don't have to speak.

#196 MisterDerp

  • 261 posts

Posted 07 May 2011 - 07:35 PM

We fucking love maple syrup and postpone election debates for hockey. What now... slut.

Oh yes, you sure schooled me with that classy insult. How did you know I was a Grade-A slut?

No wait, don't tell me...you saw me banging your mom or some other relative! It's cool; I can dig someone into voyeurism. :)

Edited by PsychoSoldier, 07 May 2011 - 07:45 PM.

#197 without123

  • 213 posts

Posted 07 May 2011 - 11:53 PM

We realise this, but the ones that do are fucking annoying. At least throw them in jobs where they don't have to speak.

Ignore them then.
I do get what your saying, it IS VERY annoying.
But telling them to "get the hell out of America" isn't very nice. I think thats why everyones kinda pissed.
If you have just made a board saying
"Omg, this is so annoying"
I don't think it would have caused so much controversy.

#198 Jake

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Posted 08 May 2011 - 10:10 AM

Oh yes, you sure schooled me with that classy insult. How did you know I was a Grade-A slut?

No wait, don't tell me...you saw me banging your mom or some other relative! It's cool; I can dig someone into voyeurism. :)

Are you Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory? You really couldn't tell my post was completely sarcastic? Do you HONESTLY think I would brag about my country by claiming we have maple syrup? I don't know if I should hate you for your lack of humour or your massive weight and having no emotion.

Ignore them then.
I do get what your saying, it IS VERY annoying.
But telling them to "get the hell out of America" isn't very nice. I think thats why everyones kinda pissed.
If you have just made a board saying
"Omg, this is so annoying"
I don't think it would have caused so much controversy.

You are very right, it isn't nice at all. We aren't invading their countries however, so I believe there is no room for complaints. And it becomes increasingly hard to ignore them in some cases where it seems like they come in hundreds.

#199 Seven

  • 112 posts

Posted 08 May 2011 - 03:39 PM

Realistically taking the non-English speaking immigrants out of North America would do absolutely nothing good for us except relieve some background noise and quell some aggressively chauvinist complaints. I'm doubting that people have considered all of the ramifications for, say, limiting the immigrants to those that could possibly speak English well. Without the whole non-English speaking immigrant base, low wage labor would effectively be cleaved, which means you'll have more people who do speak English grumbling on blue collar jobs whereas they could have had white collar jobs if immigrants did do the grunt work. Call it a sad state of affairs, but I don't think saying "get the fuck out" is the most efficient way to deal with things, and really, the low wage maintenance job hole won't be a pretty thing to patch up--we're looking for stable and hopefully upward moving social mobility, and if we're cutting people out of jobs by deporting them or otherwise, we're just shifting everyone on the socioeconomic ladder down.

Also the whole food stamp abuse issue stems from democracy screwing citizens over once again. If you've voted for the leaders that vie for perpetuating these government benefit programs, then no matter what happens there will be people who abuse those privileges, English speaking or not, and not give a fuck about being a couch potato. It's a known fact that there will be people who won't be incited to work as long as the benefits are there to give them a crutch. If you didn't vote for that, well, there's nothing I can really say but sorry, that's democracy.

Just my two cents on the whole matter, and I will definitely leave it at that. I know chauvinists are horribly tenacious to deal with and moreover will probably never stop with the endless barrages of ad hominems, and have almost no capacity for empathy whatsoever. I know it isn't easy for a lot of people to think of themselves possibly in another person's shoes in a different country with oppressive governments, with nowhere else to go but North America.

#200 without123

  • 213 posts

Posted 09 May 2011 - 02:19 AM

Realistically taking the non-English speaking immigrants out of North America would do absolutely nothing good for us except relieve some background noise and quell some aggressively chauvinist complaints. I'm doubting that people have considered all of the ramifications for, say, limiting the immigrants to those that could possibly speak English well. Without the whole non-English speaking immigrant base, low wage labor would effectively be cleaved, which means you'll have more people who do speak English grumbling on blue collar jobs whereas they could have had white collar jobs if immigrants did do the grunt work. Call it a sad state of affairs, but I don't think saying "get the fuck out" is the most efficient way to deal with things, and really, the low wage maintenance job hole won't be a pretty thing to patch up--we're looking for stable and hopefully upward moving social mobility, and if we're cutting people out of jobs by deporting them or otherwise, we're just shifting everyone on the socioeconomic ladder down.

Also the whole food stamp abuse issue stems from democracy screwing citizens over once again. If you've voted for the leaders that vie for perpetuating these government benefit programs, then no matter what happens there will be people who abuse those privileges, English speaking or not, and not give a fuck about being a couch potato. It's a known fact that there will be people who won't be incited to work as long as the benefits are there to give them a crutch. If you didn't vote for that, well, there's nothing I can really say but sorry, that's democracy.

Just my two cents on the whole matter, and I will definitely leave it at that. I know chauvinists are horribly tenacious to deal with and moreover will probably never stop with the endless barrages of ad hominems, and have almost no capacity for empathy whatsoever. I know it isn't easy for a lot of people to think of themselves possibly in another person's shoes in a different country with oppressive governments, with nowhere else to go but North America.

Jake, guess who's screwed? :) You arreeeeeeeeeeeee.

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