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Elitist Swine!

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#1 Boggart

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:07 AM

How are you elitist? What I mean by that is: what part do you honestly judge others more than you would for other criteria. For example:

Many people are elitist about their gaming consoles.I know a lot of elitist PC players who bash all consoles, and PS3 players vs XBOX360 players. Or even WoW vs. other MMORPG's, HoN vs. LoL, etc. Video game elitists.

For me, it's food xD When I see people eating shitty, unhealthy, not even good tasting food, I secretly judge them. When people say "oh god I ate soooo much" when they literally had a salad and half a bowl of soup and complain about being fat, I go ">_<". When people recommend certain food places for me to try out, and it's nowhere as good as my usual places, I take not to disregard other food suggestions in the future :p I love my food; yes I'm a glutton, but at least I know what good food is. Working aroung bologna and mock chicken all day (mock chicken is mechanically removed beef/pork/turkey and/or mutton formed into a loaf and covered in cheese crumbs... and for some reason it's really goupy and orange), I judge most of the customers and think "no wonder you're fat..." 'cause that shit is terrible for them.

So what about you? I know a lot of people are elitist about music haha. Metal heads and classic rock people especially. I listen to really crappy music, so I don't really care about what other listen to haha. Do you judge people on what they wear because you take pride on your sense of style? Do you think that only football and basketball are "real sports" while the rest are shit? Do you think that certain TV shows shouldn't exist on TV and only _______ is the one worth watching?

Discuss if you feel like it :p

#2 frostz

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:13 AM

I am an elitist in terms of keeping time. If someone tells me they will do something by so and so time, then i will make sure that they get it done. If they are part of my group for something and they are not pulling their weight i make sure that i withold what they want until i get what they were supposed to have done.

I personally believe that if someone says that they would do something now, then they had better do it now and not procrastinate. Especially when it is for an important assignment or something of that sort, delays are unacceptable.

#3 jonahfinn

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:16 AM

Haha, for me it's definately swimming, esp. stroke technique & the amount of effort people put into their training

I'm not as bad now (since I've given up swimming competitively), but I'd scoff at my friend who'd complain of what they'd consider to be a difficult session, when I just cruise through the whole thing, using minimal power and maximal efficiency.

The only people I'd consider taking advice seriously from were faster swimmers, more graceful swimmers (i.e. more efficient) or coaches or a certain standard.

When I'd go to compete, I'd scan my opponents to check out their muscle build to see if they're a threat, if their muscles aren't proportionate to the race at hand, then I either conserve my energy and go for an easy win (if I had multiple events) or just blitz them to crush their spirit. =p

#4 Scot

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:16 AM

I look down on public torrent site users, and people on neopets who nickel and dime you. Like this guy who kept rejecting 80m for TTear because he wanted 80.25.

#5 Brennon

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:17 AM

I believe its a waste of time and energy to "bash" people for not liking something you do.
Shame on you Bog.

#6 Scot

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:26 AM

I look down on people who only fuck 1 gender. It's like going to life only finishing half your meals, reading half of a book, or having a phone conversation where you can only hear but can't speak. The Romans were the crown and jewel of the ancient world because they were so far ahead of their time. They believed that the highest pinnacle of sexuality occurred not between a man and woman but between a man and woman and occasionally a young male companion.

#7 Boggart

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:41 AM

I believe its a waste of time and energy to "bash" people for not liking something you do.
Shame on you Bog.

Ideally no one would, but you're telling me you don't look at someone who doesn't like CoD and think "wow, you have terrible taste in video games" or something? We all do it, I'm just being open about it.

#8 Scot

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:45 AM

Ideally no one would, but you're telling me you don't look at someone who doesn't like CoD and think "wow, you have terrible taste in video games" or something? We all do it, I'm just being open about it.

CoD players are people who can't aim. True story I was playing with this CoD regular in Halo: Reach and the guy was like "you have to shoot more than once to kill someone? fuck this"

#9 Jake

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:45 AM

Stupidity really gets my panties in a bunch. I'm talking special retards, over sensitive wingnuts and gullible fruit suckers.

#10 Boggart

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:47 AM

CoD players are people who can't aim. True story I was playing with this CoD regular in Halo: Reach and the guy was like "you have to shoot more than once to kill someone? fuck this"

I don't like CoD or Halo, mostly because I'm shit at both. only shooting games I play are Mass Effect, because then I just shoot everything (and have magic :3)

#11 Random

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 10:14 AM

In my own personal opinion, my elitist attitude is my main personality flaw.

I absolutely detest people who complain about their problems and do nothing about it. Specifically, people who complain they never have money but don't work or do anything to fix the problem. I refuse to hear anyone saying that they can't have a job or make money, because there are millions upon millions of dollars to be made doing just about anything.

I am also an elitist regarding fashion. I don't care about people who say there are different styles to defend themselves etc. If you are wearing running shoes outside of exercise, I think you are an absolute schmuck and there is no changing that. I look my best whenever I go out because how you present yourself shows who you really are.

#12 Darkthrone

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 10:26 AM

I think I'm just generally a bit of a dick. I judge people as soon as I meet them and decide wether or not they're worth hanging around with or not. I try not to do this but I can't help it, people just genuinely annoy me, I think it's because during my studies I have worked as a Waiter/Barista and so many people have pissed me off that now I just generally hate the GP. I'm also a huge music fiend and detest pop 'music' I find people that listen to that garbage untolerable.

#13 Brennon

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 01:52 PM

Ideally no one would, but you're telling me you don't look at someone who doesn't like CoD and think "wow, you have terrible taste in video games" or something? We all do it, I'm just being open about it.

No....... And honestly I can't think of any instance I do that....

#14 ShadowLink64

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 01:57 PM

In my own personal opinion, my elitist attitude is my main personality flaw.

I absolutely detest people who complain about their problems and do nothing about it. Specifically, people who complain they never have money but don't work or do anything to fix the problem. I refuse to hear anyone saying that they can't have a job or make money, because there are millions upon millions of dollars to be made doing just about anything.

I am also an elitist regarding fashion. I don't care about people who say there are different styles to defend themselves etc. If you are wearing running shoes outside of exercise, I think you are an absolute schmuck and there is no changing that. I look my best whenever I go out because how you present yourself shows who you really are.

This, but I am not elitist over fashion because I don't have a sense of style. :p I can't stand people that don't do anything about situations they complain about though. :/ I know I have probably complained about something in the past, but I do something about it in the end. <_<

#15 Brennon

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 02:09 PM

CoD players are people who can't aim. True story I was playing with this CoD regular in Halo: Reach and the guy was like "you have to shoot more than once to kill someone? fuck this"

Really the only reason I don't play halo online is I really suck at it. I'm a lot better at CoD and even then I'm not that great (I currently have a 0.98 KDR)

#16 Sweeney

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 02:56 PM


#17 Strategist

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:17 PM

This, but I am not elitist over fashion because I don't have a sense of style. :p I can't stand people that don't do anything about situations they complain about though. :/ I know I have probably complained about something in the past, but I do something about it in the end. <_<

Im with you guys on this too. I absolutely detest people who sit around moping and whining about not having anything good come to them, when they cant be fucked working towards it. I for one love to set goals and strive my best to achieve them. Maybe this is why im married, have a wonderful son, am successful in ehat i do, own two houses and two cars :D

Dont anyone tell me 'they cant do it' because they can, theyre just too fucking lazy to try.

oh and the fashion thing. If im around the house at home, i just chuck whatever on as i know no one will see me so i dont care. When i go out or im at work, i try my best to make myself at the very least, presentable. Especially when im dealing with potential new clients and investors.

Edited by Strategist, 19 May 2011 - 08:18 PM.

#18 frostz

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 05:01 AM

Im with you guys on this too. I absolutely detest people who sit around moping and whining about not having anything good come to them, when they cant be fucked working towards it. I for one love to set goals and strive my best to achieve them. Maybe this is why im married, have a wonderful son, am successful in ehat i do, own two houses and two cars :D

Dont anyone tell me 'they cant do it' because they can, theyre just too fucking lazy to try.

oh and the fashion thing. If im around the house at home, i just chuck whatever on as i know no one will see me so i dont care. When i go out or im at work, i try my best to make myself at the very least, presentable. Especially when im dealing with potential new clients and investors.

Well sometimes the case truly is that they cannot be as successful as you. I mean an excuse can't always be seen as giving up when they say something like "nothing good will happen to me even if i try"

I mean a majority of the population only have their labor force to sell as a commodity on the market, but honestly they don't make enough money to move into another line of work, They are perpetually stuck in low end jobs which is made worse by the fact that even though labor is already in low demand and have a significantly lower price cost ratio, people are continuing entering their field, not only from immigration but because their children have no choice but to enter the field as well. Again they have no choice because they do not possess the capital to move into another line of work, since as a member of the proletariat class they not only lack the means of production but they can't afford to learn to specialize in another field.

#19 Darkthrone

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 06:11 AM

"they have no choice"

This is absolute bullshit and I'm sick of people saying things like this. You always have a choice, people that think they don't are looking at the world (their life) the wrong way. So many people live their life chasing money or the next big promotion etc etc. Fuck what people make you believe you 'have' to do or how you 'should' live your life, actually live your life rather than just fucking surviving.

#20 Random

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 06:53 AM

Well sometimes the case truly is that they cannot be as successful as you. I mean an excuse can't always be seen as giving up when they say something like "nothing good will happen to me even if i try"

I mean a majority of the population only have their labor force to sell as a commodity on the market, but honestly they don't make enough money to move into another line of work, They are perpetually stuck in low end jobs which is made worse by the fact that even though labor is already in low demand and have a significantly lower price cost ratio, people are continuing entering their field, not only from immigration but because their children have no choice but to enter the field as well. Again they have no choice because they do not possess the capital to move into another line of work, since as a member of the proletariat class they not only lack the means of production but they can't afford to learn to specialize in another field.

Unless someone is utilizing every possible moment of their day to advance his purpose, he is not trying his hardest.
A person can use leisure time to generate more income that he can save to pay for education or testing to get better qualifications, translating into a better job.

Some people may have a harder time getting a job, but there are tons of businesses that make money with incompetent workers or even bosses.
There are businesses you can teach yourself and start with almost no capital as well.

There are always ways to make more money and improve your situation.

#21 danielfromburn

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 06:57 AM


#22 frostz

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 07:09 AM

Unless someone is utilizing every possible moment of their day to advance his purpose, he is not trying his hardest.
A person can use leisure time to generate more income that he can save to pay for education or testing to get better qualifications, translating into a better job.

Some people may have a harder time getting a job, but there are tons of businesses that make money with incompetent workers or even bosses.
There are businesses you can teach yourself and start with almost no capital as well.

There are always ways to make more money and improve your situation.

This is the last thing im gona post about this to make my statement clearer, for those who read it later (dont wana go too off topic eh?).

There are indeed many businesses who make use of unskilled workers, such as in the agricultural sector where in some cases wage laborers are still used (people who get hired for the job at the beginning of the day and get paid at the end).

However in order to "generate more income so that they can pay for education etc", they need to have enough capital to do this, meaning that their labor has to be worth enough on the market so that their production is greater than their costs.

Unfortunately because they lack the means of production, they are thus vulnerable to exploitation by capitalists who themselves do possess these means, and find it in their interest to only pay the laborers enough to make them want to come back the next day. Many of the unskilled laborers can work all day but not make enough to accumulate capital after spending on their costs.

Not only this but these workers are in competition with one another. More workers without the means of production are constantly entering into the field (whether through immigration or because they are the children of the workers themselves), whether or not the price cost ratio is below the average, further devaluing their labor. Because of this those who are stuck at the very bottom have no chance of rising at all, their children might have a slim chance but because of the lack of capital they will find it extremely difficult to educate themselves, specialize, accumulate, and innovate in order to further themselves.

#23 Random

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 08:31 AM

This is the last thing im gona post about this to make my statement clearer, for those who read it later (dont wana go too off topic eh?).

There are indeed many businesses who make use of unskilled workers, such as in the agricultural sector where in some cases wage laborers are still used (people who get hired for the job at the beginning of the day and get paid at the end).

However in order to "generate more income so that they can pay for education etc", they need to have enough capital to do this, meaning that their labor has to be worth enough on the market so that their production is greater than their costs.

Unfortunately because they lack the means of production, they are thus vulnerable to exploitation by capitalists who themselves do possess these means, and find it in their interest to only pay the laborers enough to make them want to come back the next day. Many of the unskilled laborers can work all day but not make enough to accumulate capital after spending on their costs.

Not only this but these workers are in competition with one another. More workers without the means of production are constantly entering into the field (whether through immigration or because they are the children of the workers themselves), whether or not the price cost ratio is below the average, further devaluing their labor. Because of this those who are stuck at the very bottom have no chance of rising at all, their children might have a slim chance but because of the lack of capital they will find it extremely difficult to educate themselves, specialize, accumulate, and innovate in order to further themselves.

First off, you don't understand the real reason people hate going off topic. This is a legitimate discussion so it isn't frowned upon as pointless once sentence banter is.

The main point I'm making is still people can always make money, even if they will be losing most of it through living expenses.
Although a person's normal expenses may only cover their cost of living and nothing more, there are ways to make money in what would normally be leisure time that can be saved and put towards investments.

I personally worked an $8/h job during high school which paid most of my basic expenses like gas, auto insurance, food, leisure money. Granted, my parents feed me at home if I'm not out and put a roof over my head, this still covered all of my expenses and I only received as a check around $120 a week. This was a part time job where I worked only 15 or so hours. However, I did go to school for most of the day and was involved in various extracurriculars that took up time. Regardless, I was still able to pay my expenses. I believe that if I really had to pay for my own living, I could live in a very cheap apartment with a roommate and afford to live.

In addition, I spent my leisure time teaching myself web design and SEO. I started my own business with the money I made selling NP for other and doing various other online tasks on web design forums. I started a steady passive income by working in the little free time that I did have.

These people are not working 24/7. They are certainly relaxing and doing something to let off steam. This is, no doubt, necessary, but not all the time. They can make more money by either finding a second job or learning something online that they could sell as a freelancer.

And certainly you must know of government aid for students? If students are intelligent and did well enough in grades 1-12 to get into college, there are extraordinary packages for students who are disadvantaged.
I know someone who comes from a middle class family, but has a single parents. They are by no means poor. However, he is still going to school almost for free. FAFSA does wonders for helping students afford education. There are tons of government, private, and school grants available.

#24 Kat

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 08:39 AM

I'm a little ashamed but I know I can be pretty "elitist" when it comes to clothes and sometimes looks..
I try not to think like that, but I know I'm hot :p Ugh, I'm terrible.
Also, like Random said, when people complain about their situation but do nothing about it. Most of the people I'm surrounded by are religious as well, and I find myself saying ALL the time, "God helps those who only help themselves.." even though I don't believe in God, I find it to be the most truthful thing I can say to them.
You won't get anywhere sitting on your ass waiting for a better life.
Half my friends from high school got knocked up and dropped out of school.. then complain for not having any money or decent living.. or some do so poorly in school that they won't get anywhere.
I just wanna drop-kick their ass for not doing what they need to do.

Rant aside, It's probably not a good trait for me to think I'm better than everyone.. but I just am, whether I think that way or not. :whistling:

#25 WharfRat

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 11:22 AM

I'm an elitist when it comes to all things related to drugs. (And usually politics, too...) I hate to even say I'm an elitist... I just hate when people spread false information and tout it as fact... and I'm very quick (provided I'm in a circumstance where too much knowledge about the area doesn't raise too many red flags) to correct people on their bullshit.

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