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#1 Blissey

  • 581 posts

Posted 31 July 2011 - 06:37 PM

Well, im going to start playing WoW now, and was wondering, whats the best build to make? Im planning on being Horde on Shadow Council, but thats as far as I got.
Looking for tips on what to build, advice for a first time player, etc etc.

Also, post your realm, ingame name, whatever else :p

#2 soulshin3

  • 46 posts

Posted 02 August 2011 - 12:06 AM

Alliance/Horde has no better choice, it's just a matter of if you like Stormwind or Orgrimmar (Mains cities for each faction, respectively.) As far as realm goes, it really depends on what you plan to do, pvp or pve. Certain realms have some of the best pvpers in the world, and some realms have the best raiders in the world, but in the end you're probably just going to be raiding with a group of people that you enjoy raiding with, if you chose to go that route.

Since you're a new player, and getting gold is really easy right now, I'd suggest starting on a newer realm. It'll help you meet some of the people on the server and get your name out there.

As far as classes/races go, there are 'best' races for each class, but most of the time there isn't a big difference. Starting out, I would suggest a DPS (damage per second) class that's also fun to level. Mage is really fun, Hunter can be boring, but it's also a really easy class to level as. Rogues are really fun to play in general, because all you do is piss other players off. Warlocks used to be fun to level, not so sure anymore. Depending on what you would rather play (ranged, melee), I would suggest a paladin for melee, because once you get to 8 you can heal, tank, or melee dps. For ranged, I would suggest a druid as you can heal, tank, or ranged dps as one. Druids and paladins are pretty boring to level though, imo.

Just find a class that looks appealing to you, look around that class's forum section and see what that class is really about. Just know that each class can play at least two different roles, and Pally/Druid have 3.


#3 Kat

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 03:42 AM

That shit took years away from my life. I don't recommend it. At all. :sorry:

#4 FaceMaul

  • 32 posts

Posted 02 August 2011 - 05:04 AM

That shit took years away from my life. I don't recommend it. At all. :sorry:

I played WoW for 4 years solid. This is so correct it's not even funny. I haven't played in 8 months now, but when I did it was like having another job, leaving you no time to do anything else and you were happy with that, too. This was worse, and especially true if you wanted anything to do with end-game guilds and competing with being first for bosses on your server. I was one of the raid leaders and it was common to be on for 7-8 hours straight every night.

Edited by FaceMaul, 02 August 2011 - 05:05 AM.

#5 Guest_prizeraker_*


Posted 02 August 2011 - 10:55 AM

That shit took years away from my life. I don't recommend it. At all. :sorry:


WoW is like meth in every way possible

#6 Narcissa


  • 320 posts

Posted 02 August 2011 - 01:44 PM

Erm, I played on WoW for 6 years in a hardcore raiding guild... if WoW takes up years of your life, you're doing it wrong. Really tired of people comparing it to a very real, very life ruining addiction. It's not. My hard core raiding guild had people who maintained families, jobs, and school just fine. There were some who took it overboard but if you have an addictive personality, it could be anything you gravitate towards. We got server fist for Illidan, pre-nerf while I was maintaining a 4.0 GPA. It's called time management and some people just don't have it.

I stopped playing about a month ago because the game is too dull for me now, sorry I can't help you much Skrillex. My only suggestion would be to make a tank as they're ALWAYS in need. You'll get shat on a lot for the first few levels while you're learning but all the 15 year old bitches can suck it up. :p

#7 ToxicS

  • 2580 posts

Posted 02 August 2011 - 01:47 PM

Erm, I played on WoW for 6 years in a hardcore raiding guild... if WoW takes up years of your life, you're doing it wrong. Really tired of people comparing it to a very real, very life ruining addiction. It's not. My hard core raiding guild had people who maintained families, jobs, and school just fine. There were some who took it overboard but if you have an addictive personality, it could be anything you gravitate towards. We got server fist for Illidan, pre-nerf while I was maintaining a 4.0 GPA. It's called time management and some people just don't have it.

I stopped playing about a month ago because the game is too dull for me now, sorry I can't help you much Skrillex. My only suggestion would be to make a tank as they're ALWAYS in need. You'll get shat on a lot for the first few levels while you're learning but all the 15 year old bitches can suck it up. :p

Yep, I played WoW on and off since the beta, never got addicted to it. Then I discovered bots for it and stopped playing it altogether, except for the occasional break from botting for raids.

Made $300 selling gold til I got banned :p

#8 Kat

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 03:29 PM

I didn't mean that statement like I had an addiction, that's just ridiculous.
It's just a huge waste of time, like FaceMaul was saying. That's great and all if you get enjoyment from it, but after 5 years I realized how pointless it was.
I made some friends, but I also made mistakes because of it as well. I'd just rather not see anyone waste any amount of time or years on it like I did.
Not going to argue, just trying to give him some friendly advice.

#9 Guest_prizeraker_*


Posted 04 August 2011 - 11:19 AM

Erm, I played on WoW for 6 years in a hardcore raiding guild... if WoW takes up years of your life, you're doing it wrong. Really tired of people comparing it to a very real, very life ruining addiction. It's not. My hard core raiding guild had people who maintained families, jobs, and school just fine. There were some who took it overboard but if you have an addictive personality, it could be anything you gravitate towards. We got server fist for Illidan, pre-nerf while I was maintaining a 4.0 GPA. It's called time management and some people just don't have it.

I stopped playing about a month ago because the game is too dull for me now, sorry I can't help you much Skrillex. My only suggestion would be to make a tank as they're ALWAYS in need. You'll get shat on a lot for the first few levels while you're learning but all the 15 year old bitches can suck it up. :p

Wow, congrats! Major props :)

Not many people get server firsts, especially for Illidan... well actually 25 ppl per server, anyways, my personal experience with WoW and what I've heard from others makes it seem like a life ruining addiction simply because of the massive amount of time it requires.

Getting a raid together alone can take up to 45 minutes, and thats assuming:
You have gotten heroic gear and have impressed the officers enough to be accepted into the guild
Have gotten the gear to be considered for the progression raid
Have earned the reputation to be considered for the progression raid

Thats a bunch of farming time right there

Then the actual raiding can take up to 6 hours per raiding night in a hardcore guild. You have to endure endless wiping while GMs yell during every minute of it.
Not to mention that the reason you may be wiping may not be your fault at all (often not your fault):
Tanks cant hold aggro
Healers suck
DPS cant aggro manage
DPS cant beat enrage timer
People suck at boss mechanics
No one is using cooldowns properly
Idiots standing in the fire

Surprisingly, finding 24 competent people that have the right class composition and that can all agree on the same raiding schedule is very difficult to find, esp. since WoW society already functions very much like elitist cliques. Nobody is looking for a new member, nobody wants a new member taking gear from our good ol' friend chuck who has been here for years.

And then life happens, maybe your main tank has to pick up his/her mom from the airport, maybe your top DPS has a sick child, an endless number of things can happen that can prevent the perfect roster for a raid
And so you bring a substitute. That person might suck, who knows. But subs usually do, hence why they aren't top pick.

And this happens for atleast 3 days a week. If its a server first then I'd assume this would go until you get the kill.
So raiding alone can take up 21-49 hours per week.

Now you have to consider the money factor- repairs aren't cheap, especially if you're a tank
Dailies can take an hour and then you might want to do some more since you want to be able to enchant some stuff or craft something, w/e it is.

edit: but if you want to just have fun, I recommend playing a priest :) They have 2 specs that can heal, and healers are in semi-demand. Shadow priest dps is also really fun

Edited by prizeraker, 04 August 2011 - 12:07 PM.

#10 frostz

  • 594 posts

Posted 04 August 2011 - 11:46 PM

warriors or mages for pvp, both are pretty OP
druid or shaman for pvp healing

Don't know anything about pve tho, im strictly pvp.

id say go goblin because their racials are the best.
rocket jump is basically a free blink.

#11 lonewolf

  • 243 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:07 PM

Alliance/Horde i think...theyre the easiest if youre starting out IMO

#12 Narcissa


  • 320 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 03:18 PM

Alliance/Horde i think...theyre the easiest if youre starting out IMO

... Don't fucking respond if you've no fucking clue about what you're posting too. Allie and Horde are the two opposing sides in the game... they have different races and classes beneath them which is what you'd playing, not allie horde. <_<

Wow, congrats! Major props :)

Not many people get server firsts, especially for Illidan... well actually 25 ppl per server, anyways, my personal experience with WoW and what I've heard from others makes it seem like a life ruining addiction simply because of the massive amount of time it requires.

Getting a raid together alone can take up to 45 minutes, and thats assuming:
You have gotten heroic gear and have impressed the officers enough to be accepted into the guild
Have gotten the gear to be considered for the progression raid
Have earned the reputation to be considered for the progression raid

Thats a bunch of farming time right there

Then the actual raiding can take up to 6 hours per raiding night in a hardcore guild. You have to endure endless wiping while GMs yell during every minute of it.
Not to mention that the reason you may be wiping may not be your fault at all (often not your fault):
Tanks cant hold aggro
Healers suck
DPS cant aggro manage
DPS cant beat enrage timer
People suck at boss mechanics
No one is using cooldowns properly
Idiots standing in the fire

Surprisingly, finding 24 competent people that have the right class composition and that can all agree on the same raiding schedule is very difficult to find, esp. since WoW society already functions very much like elitist cliques. Nobody is looking for a new member, nobody wants a new member taking gear from our good ol' friend chuck who has been here for years.

And then life happens, maybe your main tank has to pick up his/her mom from the airport, maybe your top DPS has a sick child, an endless number of things can happen that can prevent the perfect roster for a raid
And so you bring a substitute. That person might suck, who knows. But subs usually do, hence why they aren't top pick.

And this happens for atleast 3 days a week. If its a server first then I'd assume this would go until you get the kill.
So raiding alone can take up 21-49 hours per week.

Now you have to consider the money factor- repairs aren't cheap, especially if you're a tank
Dailies can take an hour and then you might want to do some more since you want to be able to enchant some stuff or craft something, w/e it is.

edit: but if you want to just have fun, I recommend playing a priest :) They have 2 specs that can heal, and healers are in semi-demand. Shadow priest dps is also really fun

While it was definitely a feat that we celebrated, our guild was nothing like the way you described. The only real major drama we ever had was outside of raiding/ when the GM had to take time off.

It was extremely, extremely rare for us to be yelled at. We were supposed to know the fights and if you didn't know them it'd be obvious and you'd be called out on it/benched till you knew the fight. Vent was supposed to be clear save for the raid leader describing things to us. I was priest class leader/2nd Hunter class leader in Vanilla and BC along with manning our alt raids. It's tough but if you have a good guild make up with good guild leadership you're fine. I think not having that is what tears guilds apart and sorts the men from the boys, so to speak. I -still- have my AQ-20 gear ha.

But then Wrath came and ruined raiding for my guild so I had to start anew. So I made a warrior whom I found out I LOVE tanking with. Took down some bosses, joined a good guild but the game became to watered down and cliche. At least in Vanilla and BC you knew where you stood. Everyone was ~equal~ in the last two xpacs which is fucking stupid imo.

I'd say during my "hardcore" days of raiding when we'd get within 1% of killing a boss and we were really pushing for a kill against our rival guild we'd spend about 16 hours a week on progression. Probably another 10 on non-progression stuff. While that may seem like a lot, it's really not. How much time does the majority of America spend watching TV/Browsing the internet every week? It's probably about the same. It really just depends on what you personally want to invest your time into. While I may not have gone off and learned a new language in that time frame or created a masterpiece, would that have happened anyways? Probably not. Now I can say WoW related things like having killed illidan first or participating in our servers opening of AQ and that stands out a lot to others who played.

Really, as I said it's time management and simply put a lot of people nowadays don't have that. I've got 3 85's several 70's and some toons in their 60's. I haven't missed out on any life opportunities. In fact I gained some with how many people I've met in the game who are truly and deeply very good friends to me now.

Also, plate repairs aren't any more expensive than any other classes. It only seems more expensive because they have a higher armor rating then any other class which is what repairs bills are based off of. Also, getting gold is ridiculously easy now, if you're short on gold, you're doing it wrong.

#13 rizler

  • 637 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 03:27 PM

That shit took years away from my life. I don't recommend it. At all. :sorry:

I agree i played it for 5 years solid! wasnt even ABing on neopets whilst playing :crybaby:

However i would say if your going for horde choose Tauren or an Orc best in my opinion :p Druid or shaman!

#14 Jaws

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 04:31 PM

That shit took years away from my life. I don't recommend it. At all. :sorry:

Took me 3 years to get out of that game, good thing I did :)

#15 Shampoo

  • 295 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:31 PM

wasnt even ABing on neopets whilst playing :crybaby:

this is the real tragedy of WoW addiction.

#16 Elindoril

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:35 PM

You guys are making me want to play again. Stop it.


#17 Boggart

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:38 PM

I played for like 4 years only casually though. I never once raided because I didn't have 5 hours to spare to spend on a dungeon. my cousin was hardcore though and would raid for basically days with his guild (he played on the Asian serves dun dun dun).

He failed high school, and repeated grade 12, then failed university because of WoW. Even after he failed he still encouraged me to raid because it was fun. *shrug*

#18 Cory

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:41 PM

Server first doesn't mean anything if you're on a shitty server. Several servers took six months + to get a server first for illidian. Now if you had a server first KJ or Muru Pre 3.0 that's a different story. All hardcore guilds are not created equally.

CSM, the guild I was in, was ranked top 50 in the world up until we stopped raiding after Ulduar. This is a very time consuming game and I have seen it ruin peoples lives.

So yes what Kat, FaceMaul, and prizeraker share a very common thing with many MMO players.

#19 memetics

  • 2 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 09:08 PM

Damn this game to hell. Agreeing with what others are saying...well, if you have addiction problems anyways :p

Otherwise...if you're a first time player, why not a druid? They can do every role and give you a good idea for what you'd want to do in end-game if you get to that point. The versatility makes them quite fun, IMO.

#20 lonewolf

  • 243 posts

Posted 06 August 2011 - 12:39 PM

Damn this game to hell. Agreeing with what others are saying...well, if you have addiction problems anyways :p

Otherwise...if you're a first time player, why not a druid? They can do every role and give you a good idea for what you'd want to do in end-game if you get to that point. The versatility makes them quite fun, IMO.

HAHA yup...just dont even start..you wont be able to stop XD

#21 Narcissa


  • 320 posts

Posted 06 August 2011 - 11:43 PM

Server first doesn't mean anything if you're on a shitty server. Several servers took six months + to get a server first for illidian. Now if you had a server first KJ or Muru Pre 3.0 that's a different story. All hardcore guilds are not created equally.

CSM, the guild I was in, was ranked top 50 in the world up until we stopped raiding after Ulduar. This is a very time consuming game and I have seen it ruin peoples lives.

So yes what Kat, FaceMaul, and prizeraker share a very common thing with many MMO players.

We were within top 25 in the world in BC (Risen on Antonidas). So yes, getting Illidan down was a feat, especially pre-nerf. Getting attuned for that shit was NOT easy.

PS, getting top 50 in Wrath doesn't count for shit considering how easy they made raiding in that xpack.

Like I said, if you're drawn to this game to the point that it destroys your life, you're doing it wrong and have time management issues. You can sleep when you're dead.

#22 Sage

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 12:39 AM

Every time I read people discussing WoW, I sit back and thank god I've never been willing to pay for the same game over and over.

#23 Graz

  • 231 posts

Posted 07 August 2011 - 03:32 AM

Like I said, if you're drawn to this game to the point that it destroys your life, you're doing it wrong and have time management issues. You can sleep when you're dead.

It wasn't the amount of time that wow required that was the problem it was the specific blocks of time. Tues-Fri 9-12 meant that I couldn't make any plans on those days. Outside of raids time wasn't an issue.

If you can't find a competent raid group then wow isn't worth your time.

#24 Darkthrone

  • 188 posts

Posted 07 August 2011 - 06:00 AM

I played for 2-3 years. It's a really really fun game to play until you realize that there is no 'end-game' with it. You're constantly grinding for gear, gold, professions etc because if your character isn't kitted out in the highest ilevel gear or you're missing expensive enchants then nobody wants to know you and you have a hard time getting into raids/arena teams etc. I was hardcore into raiding at the time this all dawned on me and decided to take a break but I found it hard to just stop playing. After a few months I went back and forgot all about PvE and just focused on PvP (I always enjoyed arena + Bg's) I played another year or 2 just with a PvP focus and guild and this was quite fun I managed Glad 2 seasons on 3 of my characters and just decided one day that I was still wasting way too much time on this game, My girlfriend had stopped enjoying playing it as well so I decided I should just give it up. Anyway I have fond memories of the game and I always think now and then I'd like to go back to it and play but I know that's a bad idea.

At the same time though I've always been a big gamer and if it wasn't WoW that I spent those countless hours on it would have been some other game. Lately though due to my Xbox breaking and just not having enough time to waste on games I haven't played anything and do miss those gaming days.

#25 Cory

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 03:43 PM

We were within top 25 in the world in BC (Risen on Antonidas). So yes, getting Illidan down was a feat, especially pre-nerf. Getting attuned for that shit was NOT easy.

PS, getting top 50 in Wrath doesn't count for shit considering how easy they made raiding in that xpack.

Like I said, if you're drawn to this game to the point that it destroys your life, you're doing it wrong and have time management issues. You can sleep when you're dead.

Were you





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