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Site Censorship Bill

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#26 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 04:31 AM

Related to this, the US Department of Justice wants to make it a federal crime to violate the "terms of service" of any website.

That wouldn't be good for us. :p

#27 Nymh

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 05:56 AM

Just wanted to update this thread with a report of the hearing from yesterday:


Please read this article. As many of you that say that "this could never happen," what you don't understand is that congress is doing what it can to try to make it happen regardless of its unconstitutionality. America has a long history (235 years to be exact) of passing legislature that is overreaching and open to interpretation, which allows for abuse and infringement on our rights. This bill can pass.

It is expected that congress will vote on this soon, but they haven't voted yet. Make a call, sign the petition, and tell all your friends to do the same.

#28 nothereorthere

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 06:17 AM

if it passes we are all SCREWED

#29 fallendevilz

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 06:51 AM

if it passes we are all SCREWED

< England, so not all of us lol.

#30 Nymh

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 06:51 AM

< England, so not all of us lol.

Do you not visit any sites that are hosted in the US? *cough*NeoCodex*cough*

#31 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:09 AM

Do you not visit any sites that are hosted in the US? *cough*NeoCodex*cough*

We'd just move to hosting in Canada. :p

#32 HuskySiberiano

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:25 AM

We'd just move to hosting in Canada. :p

Posted Image Deal with it.
Also, where is neopetz hosted?

#33 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:26 AM

Posted Image Deal with it.
Also, where is neopetz hosted?

Last I checked they had servers in California and New York.

#34 Nymh

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:27 AM

Posted Image Deal with it.
Also, where is neopetz hosted?

California, USA. ;)

#35 HuskySiberiano

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:32 AM

California, USA. ;)

Last I checked they had servers in California and New York.



Can I sign even not being on USA? Posted Image

#36 iargue

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:54 AM

< England, so not all of us lol.

You do realize what the first act is going to do right?

It gives them a right to ELIMINATE a webpage form the internet.

If they blacklisted google, www.google.com would return. 404 Not Found, because they would erase any reference to www.google.com from the DNS servers.

This will not even phase piracy. Open dns servers already exist all around the world. If you want to pirate, just don't use the legal DNS servers. Everyone else in the world who is not tech savy on the other hand, will not understand how to bypass this, and will be fucked ten times over by the concept of erasing pages from the internet.

Google would actually be in violate of this. Right now they are served DMCA notices every day for youtube videos and links in their search site that has copyrighted info and they have to remove it. This bill gives them the capacity to just remove google, rather then telling google to remove the links.

#37 Kyle

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 10:48 AM

So if this goes through, what's the next step? Can we get around this in any way?

#38 grapes

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:00 AM

You do realize what the first act is going to do right?

It gives them a right to ELIMINATE a webpage form the internet.

If they blacklisted google, www.google.com would return. 404 Not Found, because they would erase any reference to www.google.com from the DNS servers.

This will not even phase piracy. Open dns servers already exist all around the world. If you want to pirate, just don't use the legal DNS servers. Everyone else in the world who is not tech savy on the other hand, will not understand how to bypass this, and will be fucked ten times over by the concept of erasing pages from the internet.

Google would actually be in violate of this. Right now they are served DMCA notices every day for youtube videos and links in their search site that has copyrighted info and they have to remove it. This bill gives them the capacity to just remove google, rather then telling google to remove the links.

How do you do that? :o

btw, I really want to support this. :) But I'm not from the US.

#39 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:15 AM

How do you do that? :o

btw, I really want to support this. :) But I'm not from the US.

OpenDNS is probably the most popular open DNS provider, to change to OpenDNS you just need to change your computer's DNS settings to use and Another alternative is Google's Public DNS which uses and as DNS servers.

#40 Therion

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 08:38 PM

If I didn't have a job, I would be at occupy wallstreet shit right now, just because of this.

I don't think it matters if everyone in the state sends my people emails, if they get paid enough by the MPAA (Which, since they make like 180 million dollars a movie, its not gonna be an issue) they will pass it, and we will be fucked.

See, the fact that its even being proposed shows that they don't give a shit about anyone's rights. The pay from the RIAA and MPAA is high enough, thus this bill is being proposed. Enough people get paid off/intimidated and this bill is done, and the MPAA can be happy. Their lawsuit streak failed miserably, costing them more money then they earned.

This is exactly why people need to be taking the occupy movement more serious, bills like this are tantamount to treason. They undermine your constitution at it's very essence. And if it's not paid enough attention to, it will pass. Recently my own government tried to pass a food bill, effectively turning seeds (or anything used to grow your own food) into controlled substances under the WTO's codex, both making police raids on communal food plantations completely legal and regulated by 'food officers', and pushing the price of food up due to all the hoops food providers have to jump through to sell their products. That is also treason, as it goes against the Maori laws put in place within treaties and would be in direct opposition of the governer general's responsibility to maintain the Maori treaties put in place when my country became a british colony. I have absolutely no doubt that it was lobbied heavily by the US agriculture industry, as it's no secret my current parliament is in bed with the US for trade agreements.

If this bill does pass, and I actually hope it does, it will promote the movement taking place and only serve to remind people that their rights are being bought and sold by the corrupt men in suits they elected to represent them.

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