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Do YOU Remember What Was It Like To Be Legit?

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#76 silentarbitor

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 09:41 AM

I made 40 mil legit. Back when restocks happened on the minute, i used to restock like crazy and made about 400k a day. Then i lost my account for six years due to birthday issues, and when i came back i decided to come back with a vengeance and cheat to make more moneys.

A friend once told me. "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying"

Edited by silentarbitor, 22 May 2012 - 09:41 AM.

#77 MINZ

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 05:22 PM

ab-ers spoil the fun of rs-ing
i remember when my main was iced and i made a new main around a year ago, i invested 2 hrs everyday for a week and managed to earn back 600k
but now so many people are not legit anymore and its irritating bc im back in my old main (it got uniced) and i cant earn any neopoints bc everythings sold out in miliseconds even at the shops i used to rs in (NOT MAGIC) although i did get some morphing potions from magic legit

#78 Silverkiwi

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 01:37 PM

I remember being legit. I used to make my money by entering the AG and getting the reward. i made pretty good money but now, its just too much work, especially when i do some awesome piece of art and they either don't accept it because they're being fair to the young kids or since the reward is random i get some item worth like 30k and im was like welll, time to look into other forms of money making. Thus i found Neocodex!

#79 kamelonu

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 02:36 PM

Copy-pasting a bit from my introduction post:
I recently started playing neopets again after a long hiatus. I think I stopped playing around year 6 or 7 so it's been a long time. I was an avid legitimate restocker back then, even being accused of actually being an ab program by people in rs chat on the boards a couple times after posting some of my buys.
So incredibly frustrating though D=

#80 Guest_Kate_*


Posted 28 May 2012 - 06:50 PM

I don't use the programs, I /have/ but I can never get them to work, so I just gave up.
I buy and sell stuff though.. so that's basically cheating.
I am legit other than that. I loves my neopets, can't risk it being frozen..

#81 ToxicS

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 06:50 PM

8 or 9 years ago. Hardly remember. But I do remember finding a krawk blade via wheel of excitement and then selling it in my shop for 99k and raging afterwards.

#82 SilverFox

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:18 PM

I've played Neo on and off since around 2003. Back before Neo was bought out, I was literally terrible at everything and never had more than 10k on hand - even 10k was a lot for me :lol2: But I was pretty young, and it was always fun. I love old Neo.

It wasn't until just this last summer that I was able to rake in 2.5m for an island hissi MP. I made all of m profits by playing KeyQuest. It took like all summer, can't believe I even stood KQ for that long. Anyway, great neo accomplishment for me :p

Then, about a month ago, I somehow got to thinking ABing would be a good idea. Been running abrosia on a side ever since and have made around 4 million so far, with more riches to come, of course.
It just saves a ton of time, and TNT and Viacom are such shits anyway that I honestly don't feel bad. The company is so greedy now - yes, I know they have every right to make money, but it just seems to go overboard at times. Anyway, as far as restocking goes, doubt I'll ever go back to being legit. :)

Besides - I don't have the advanced member settings on abrosia, and the program is so "human" I don't believe I'm necessarily making it unfair for other people. It misses hundreds of items, I'm simply not physically there to catch the items I would probably get anyway if I were physically at the computer. If that makes sense.

#83 gooser

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 12:45 PM

I remember what it was like to be legit, 'cause it was only a few weeks ago LOL. I've been playing for like 11 years, on and off. I was never too hardcore about the game, though. Never made too much money...just trying my luck at stocks. After I lost my very first account due to birthday/email issues, and my second account got stolen by a friend, I started over. I'm not even being too aggressive with the .."illegitness". Just trying to get some gaming avatars :).

#84 Azn

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 01:14 PM

Honestly, the game was much more fun legit. I never worried about avatars/pets until I started going illegit.

#85 gooser

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 03:02 PM

Honestly, the game was much more fun legit. I never worried about avatars/pets until I started going illegit.

I was always an avatar collector, but I'm really tired of people judging things on my account (ie game scores) just because some are high. This was before I turned to the "dark" side.

#86 Required

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:12 PM

I got everything I have legit, but then I got frozen and left the site... I always wanted to try cheats 'n stuff. Now I kinda started over, I enjoy it ^^

#87 chini

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 03:35 AM

I do and it was extremely painful as an 11 year old to play Kacheek Seek and html only games because my computer was too slow and couldn't play flash games at all.

Although I don't think I was ever completely legit because I would abuse the hell out of the sign-ups/referrals on multiple accounts in order to get more nps and things. I remember abusing the system to paint all 4 of my pets at the rainbow pool when they offered sign-ups for that and doing the advent calendar stuff.

#88 Elva

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:40 AM

I slaved away playing legit for 5 years...then TNT screwed me over for scamming because my mother gifted me the contents of her bank account. Apparently it's a crime to have doting parents.


I rebuilt for 2 years legit, then got hacked and lost everything. No more slavery for me.

#89 KevinsWife

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 09:52 AM

Yeah, I just found this site a few days ago. I don't even use any of the programs besides for the shop pricer one (i did use ambrosia for 2 days but I only got around 20 items non-UB so I'm not going to count that since I don't use it now)

I was always able to make a decent amount of nps from my shop since I have a ton of items in my sdb and used to actually take the time to RS. Rn I just take stuff from my SDB I havent sold yet.

#90 shrouded

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 12:41 PM

I am one of the best KQ players, I've wrote guides for the Neopian Times and have all around just kicked ass at making Neopoints legit through my KQ winnings. sportsandmusic (If you've played KQ a decent amount then I promise you've lost to him, he has two Royal Shoyru's on his account and uses the Shadow Shoyru Key Quest Token) and I were in the guild Key Quest Maniacs and both actively competed against each other. We played for fun of course but it took me a little while until I got to the point I could beat him. His computer is faster than mine so I had to fine tune my Mini-Game strategies to fulfill victory. I did and eventually reach master status of Key Quest. I still play from time to time and enjoy the challenge of playing random maps/random people.


I've never played KQ and apparently it's nothing like what I imagined..

#91 Romy

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 02:55 PM

I remember thinking that 50,000 neopoints was a shit ton of money.

#92 Sinwin

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 04:09 PM

I remembered playing legit with flash games. All I did to earn np was play flash games for 15-20k per day because my internet connection sucks ass to compete with other rsers. I even had to ask to be lent 500k just so I can upgrade my bank interest. Then, got tricked into a scam... got frozen and TNT was so freeze happy so got tired of it and went full on cheat mode. Happiest decision I ever made.

#93 Ellea

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 04:50 PM

I made 14mil or so legit on an account I had for years, mainly through KQ and a very lucky attempt at the stock market. I used to hang around the HC as well. Got iced, and, well, here I am.

#94 Chiro

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:50 PM

Played legit up until the last year~ or so. Figured I may as well have fun with it as my interest comes & goes.

#95 Avian

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:52 PM

This thread was a massive necro, but that's ok. --- I was legit for a long time. Had 80m+ stolen, could prove not only who did it, but that I didn't give them my password or get CG'd.. and neo did absolutely nothing at all about it. So I quit. When I came back, I looked into autobuyers and heard good things about abrosia and ended up here. 

My legit money making was mostly from RS'ing. I wasn't the best in the world, by any means, but had somewhere around 100m or so legit. Brought in a hefty sum from buying up disease cures early in a war that gave a disease from a low level target. 

Battledome was a lot of fun... In fact, it's only because of my love for the battle system that I came back this time. Full on cheater, though. 

#96 beach3boy

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:25 PM

I had the best time I've ever had on Neo being legit., but once I was taken advantage of and the staff did nothing my mentality changed to **** TNT. What the programs do is not cheat, they just save time. I had MP's coming out the wazoo playing legit. restocking but I learned a lot about human nature and how people will always want to scam and cheat. Be warned people.

#97 Hummingway

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:28 PM

When I was little, I was saving up for a baby PB. Had 500K, then stupidly got scammed.


Fuck dat shiet :3

#98 infernox

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Posted 09 August 2013 - 09:15 PM

not really because i started cheating when i was like 9 years old lol

#99 scgain

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 03:16 PM

My internet connection is really bad at the moment so it's harder to gain NP while cheating than legit :/

#100 ceterisparibus

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:46 PM

Wheel of fortune giving me 10k was a windfall for me.


Nothing ever tops that ever after. I think we all have those moments back then through

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