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What made people decide to start cheating?

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#51 Tachyon

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 11:40 AM

For me, It would have taken far too long to get desent items by playing legit. Plus this gives me way more free time.

#52 Docshroomed

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 03:50 PM

Besides my obvious reason (sex)

You have to be willing to accept that your Neo account is not a permanent fixture. It could be taken away from you at any time. The way I see it, even if I am legit I still face the risk of being frozen. I would be RSing legit if I did not AB, and legit RS'ers get frozen all the time.

Pets and items can be replaced. The 8+ hours a day I used to spend on Neo cannot. That's why I started cheating.

#53 Coops

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 03:56 PM

For me, a loooong time ago, when I was 10. I got iced for sniping a 9k lab map piece. It was the first thing I had ever sniped (before I even knew what sniping was) in my entire life. I was frozen 10 minutes later, after selling it. After that, I was like, "WAT. F THIS." And I downloaded the auto-refresher, been cheating since. Meh.

#54 ahding

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:09 AM

to save time , and save all the trouble i will be facing playing legit

#55 reese1966

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:32 PM

Because after you spend 8 years devoted to Neopets, playing legit, spending thousands (yes thousands) of dollars on their merchandise, building a name for yourself (on the HC haha), earning 100m+ in your gallery and tens of millions in pure to have it ripped away from you because some girl cusses at you using the dung smiley, you in turn call her and idiot and get frozen for "harassment" while she doesn't even get a warning.

Yea, you'd probably say eff you to Neopets and cheat too :p

I started cheating after i got iced on a legit account. If TNT can't follow the rules, why should I?? What did I get iced for. still dont know to this day. I haven't gotten any responses to any tickets either.

Like people have said before, TNT is freeze happy so whats the point of being legit.

after over 1 year i made 2.5mil legit from restocking then got frozen so i saw that there's no point in legit if TNT doesnt appreciate how much work u do for that money...so i went into the dark side

Wow, you all said the same reason I am considering cheating. I "kind" of cheat now. I use the auto pricer to save time. The difficult thing is to put 8 years into an account, have this "giant" shop and have it taken away from you because TNT decided to go all kid friendly and treat us like children. the new rules were crazy. I had been off for a few years, gotten back on and zap froze for ?. Who knows with all the new rules. The other day on the av boards I was lending out an icy snowflake. Now I can afford to lose it but its the point that someone took it. So I complained. Well I got an "official" warning. Ooooo so sceeeered. If they ice my account again I will cheat fully. Actually I'm considering making a new account / sides and cheating anyway. :devil:

#56 mera

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 01:05 PM

I never really played Neopets, I just chatted on the NeoBoards.. so it's not like I have a main account I really care about/wouldn't risk losing. So there isn't really a reason to not cheat. :whistling:

#57 ae19

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 06:44 PM

I'm basically cheating out of bitterness over a couple of my accounts being frozen years ago when I played legit as a kid. I could barely make it to 100k NP as a kid because I had no idea how to play the game efficiently, and considering what a little shit I tended to act like on the NeoBoards there's a decent chance I deserved it... but I remember I managed to get the lab ray once and the account I had it on was iced. That really pissed me off. Now that I have a fair amount of time on my hands and I've been cheating on Neopets. Although I like doing some of the fun things I genuinely enjoy like a couple of the flash games, I do not like the idea of sitting in main shops for hours on end waiting for a restock, then individually pricing all of the items I've managed to haul, so I get programs to do that for me.

Machines were created to automate tedious tasks so as not to waste human time and energy. To this end, I cheat on Neopets.

#58 Rocket


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 09:49 PM

I got lazy.. I wanted to be the very best, the best there ever was, and I wasn't getting there doing it all on my own... and then a friend told me about this site and here I am a year and a half later.

I spend a few hours AB'ing or buying/selling to make what nps I need to fund whatever hobby I'm into at the time.

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